Hashnode Heroes

Welcome traveller! Have you got your battle pass? Good, head to /play for some action. If you don't have any pass go to hashnode and get your favourite author and article to mint a battle pass.

Have fun!

  • Click here to play
  • [See the hasnode blogpost](post link)
  • [See the technical post about implementation](technical link)


What is this project?

This is my take on thirdweb x Hashnode Hackathon to jump start on web3 development. I wanted to explore smart contracts and NFT but create something fun rather than all the things around.

Since it is a hackaton between two platforms I wanted to utilize both. You can mint and NFT (a battle pass) from a hashnode blog post, then use it to enter a battle with the top 6 voted blog posts of hashnode. See the video below for some action!



What did I learn?

  • what is smart contract
  • what is NFT
  • thirdweb API (solid work)
  • Have lots of fun
  • Remembered old days I was playing WoW :(

What did I use?

  • tailwind
  • react
  • react-router
  • graphql
  • thirdweb library
  • ether.js

What could be improved?

  • Game logic is pretty static now, I want to move it to block chain as well
  • Now I am using NFT collection that results minting the NFTs to the admin wallet, then I am transferring them to the logged in user. That is not feasible as the transfer fee is paid by minter. I can switch this to NFT Drop module
  • Overall design can be improved to make it more like a game
  • Code needs refactoring, there are JS and TSX files mixed with each other :sad: