
Scriptween is an Editor tool built using DOTween.

How to use

Scriptween is using Scriptable Objects to define DOTween methods. You can find sample scenes from Examples folder.

For a quick start:

1. Create Scriptween

Select Assets > Create > Scriptween


2. Select Tween Method

Select Tween from dropdown and set related values.


3. Add ScriptweenMonoBehaviour Component

Add ScriptweenMonoBehaviour component to any GameObject. Press "Add Tween" button and drop the Scriptween that already created. Set target component based on DOTween method.


4. See the Result

Press Play button and see the result.



I would like to share some use-cases, all of them include in the project.

  • Material animations can be easily created. It's quite useful, instead of creating shaders to animate over time.

  • ScriptweenMonoBehaviour has TriggerEnter list to set Scriptweens. Of course, you can create your own script to hold Scriptweens and play whenever you want. ExBarrier.cs is good example to start.

  • Suppose implementing spike obstacles, which is really common on hyper-casual runner games. With Scriptween, you don't need developer's grace (kidding :)).

  • Some UI animations, Scriptween very useful in making tutorials.

  • You can create Sequences with several Scriptweens.



I want to thank my friends (Mustafa & Furkan) for the project idea. Also huge credit to Demigiant (@demigiant) who created DOTween.