
A Button class that has a configurable press effect.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A Button class that has a configurable press effect.

You can configure the press effect and the animation options as you wish.

Built using XCode 12.4 (Swift 5)


To run the example project, clone the repo and open ButtonPressEffect test project. Run-on a simulator or your device to configure the animation.



  1. Clone this repo
  2. Navigate to the project folder
  3. Copy Source to your project


  1. Add the Source folder to your project.
  2. Create a button using a storyboard or programmatically. Use Class named PEButton.
  3. Update configuration parameters if necessary. Detailed usage example added.
  4. Activate press effect with Button.activate()
  5. You can add a pressing effect to views while activation.
  6. On your Button target, use Button.pressEffect { // Callback - Animation has finished. }


Basic Usage

@IBOutlet weak var peButton: PEButton!
@IBAction func peButtonAction(_ sender: PEButton) {
    sender.pressEffect {
        // Code
override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Button animates
    // Custom View animates when peButton clicked
    peButton.activate(on: customView)

// For deactivation call

Customized Usage

@IBOutlet weak var peButton: PEButton!
@IBAction func btnTestAction(_ sender: PEButton) {
    sender.pressEffect {
        // Code
override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Button animates
    // Customization methods of Press Effect Options
    // Set all options with a PEOptions instance
    peButton.options = PEOptions(touchDownDuration: customDurationValue,
                                touchUpDuration: customDurationValue,
                                touchDownScaleX: customScaleXValue,
                                touchDownScaleY: customScaleYValue,
                                touchUpScaleX: customScaleXValue,
                                touchUpScaleY: customScaleYValue,
                                touchDownAlpha: customAlphaValue,
                                touchUpAlpha: customAlphaValue)
    // Set some options with a PEOptions instance
    peButton.options = PEOptions(touchDownDuration: customDurationValue,
                                touchUpDuration: customDurationValue,
                                touchUpAlpha: customAlphaValue)
    // Update default values directly
    peButton.options.touchDownAlpha = customAlphaValue
    // Customization methods of Press Animation Options
    // Set all options with a PEAnimationOptions instance
    peButton.animationOptions = PEAnimationOptions(touchDownDelay: customDelayValue,
                                                  touchDownUsingSpringWithDamping: customUsingSpringWithDampingValue,
                                                  touchDownInitialSpringVelocity: customInitialSpringVelocityValue,
                                                  touchDownOptions: customOptions,
                                                  touchUpDelay: customDelayValue,
                                                  touchUpUsingSpringWithDamping: customUsingSpringWithDampingValue,
                                                  touchUpInitialSpringVelocity: customInitialSpringVelocityValue,
                                                  touchUpOptions: customOptions)
    // Set some options with a PEAnimationOptions instance
    peButton.animationOptions = PEAnimationOptions(touchDownDelay: customDelayValue,
                                                  touchDownUsingSpringWithDamping: customUsingSpringWithDampingValue,
                                                  touchUpOptions: customOptions)
    // Update default values directly
    peButton.animationOptions.touchDownDelay = customDelayValue

Configuration Parameters

We have two types of configuration parameters. One of them configures press effect, another type configures animation and duration.

Press Effect Configuration Parameters:

/// Duration of down scale animation. Default value = 0.1
var touchDownDuration: TimeInterval = 0.1
/// Duration of up scale animation. Default value = 0.1
var touchUpDuration: TimeInterval = 0.1
/// Scale factor for X axis. Touch Down. Default 0.9
var touchDownScaleX: CGFloat = 0.9
/// Scale factor for Y axis. Touch Down. Default 0.9
var touchDownScaleY: CGFloat = 0.9
/// Scale factor for X axis. Touch Up. Default 0.9
var touchUpScaleX: CGFloat?
/// Scale factor for Y axis. Touch Up. Default 0.9
var touchUpScaleY: CGFloat?
/// Touch down alpha value. Default 0.8
var touchDownAlpha: CGFloat = 0.8
/// Touch down alpha value. Default 1
var touchUpAlpha: CGFloat = 1

Press Animation Configuration Parameters:

/// Delays down animation if necessary. Default 0
var touchDownDelay: TimeInterval = 0
/// Down spring with damping value. Default 1.0
var touchDownUsingSpringWithDamping: CGFloat = 1.0
/// Down initial spring velocity value. Default 1.0
var touchDownInitialSpringVelocity: CGFloat = 1.0
/// Down animation option. Default .curveEaseInOut
var touchDownOptions: UIView.AnimationOptions = .curveEaseInOut
/// Delays up animation if necessary. Default 0
var touchUpDelay: TimeInterval = 0
/// Up spring with damping value. Default 1.0
var touchUpUsingSpringWithDamping: CGFloat = 1.0
/// Up initial spring velocity value. Default 1.0
var touchUpInitialSpringVelocity: CGFloat = 1.0
/// Up animation option. Default .curveEaseInOut
var touchUpOptions: UIView.AnimationOptions = .curveEaseInOut