
Packer and Terraform configuration to create an infrastructure for Docker on the cloud

Primary LanguageHCL


This repo includes

  • A Packer configuration to create a virtual machine image (with Docker installed)
  • A Terraform configuration to create virtual machines, ssh keys, load balancer in DigitalOcean to run Swarm Cluster

Instructions for DigitalOcean


jq, packer and terraform must be installed in the user machine following below instructions.

Create a Snapshot in DigitalOcean with Packer

  • Using DigitalOcean dashboard, create an API token and add it to a local file named like ~/.digitalocean_api_token

    Its contents may look like below

    $ export DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN=ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789
  • Open a shell, go to Packer folder and source the file that includes the token, this will add token to the environment variables

    $ cd Packer
    $ source ~/.digitalocean_api_token
  • Run packer for only provider digitalocean.

    $ packer build -only=digitalocean devops-turkey-ubuntu1604.json

Create the infrastructure in DigitalOcean with Terraform

  • In the shell, go to Terraform/Live folder and run below command to create the infrastructure.

    $ (sudo) chmod 400 ../ssh/id_rsa # properly set the private key's permissions
    $ terraform plan # to confirm the infrastructure
    $ terraform apply
  • Terraform will output the load balancer ip address, take a note of it.

  • Wait for all services to become running, use command below.

    $ ssh -i ../ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@$(terraform output -json worker-ips | jq -r '.value[0]')
    root@worker-node-01:~# docker stack ps voting_app
  • Enter the ip address of the load balancer from the browser and see the sample app.
