
Sample kd.js project

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

kdjs-project: yet another kd.js project

Getting Started

After cloning the repo, cd into kdjs-project directory and do;

  $ npm install
  $ gulp # if not installed before; npm install -g gulp

This will open your browser with localhost:9000 and you should see the kdjs-project project alive \o/

Updating Code

You can then update the code with your favourite editor (like Vim), all changes will be automatically applied to all open browsers, on code changes like updating app/src/app.coffee will trigger compiler first and sends reload event to all open browsers. If you change any style like app/styl/app.styl it will be streamed to open browsers and will take effect without reloading. All the compiled code and styles are in dist folder which is generated by builder.

File Structure

  ├── LICENSE                        # LICENSE file (MIT)
  ├── README.md                      # this file for generic README data
  ├── app                            # main app folder
  │   ├── images                     # images folder, includes standart icons
  │   │   ├── apple-touch-icon.png
  │   │   └── favicon.ico
  │   ├── index.html                 # entry point for your web app
  │   ├── src
  │   │   └── app.coffee             # main app source code
  │   └── styl
  │       └── app.styl               # main app style file
  ├── gulpfile.coffee                # gulp recipe
  └── package.json                   # npm packages

Using a custom package

Just install package in your root folder, as you do with npm

  $ npm install some_cool_package --save

Then in your code just require it, browserify will do the rest;

  cool = require 'some_cool_package'


By default while developing there is no minify or uglify process happening but for production environments to reduce the file sizes we need to tell builder (gulp) to generate output for production;

  $ gulp production

This will clean existing compiled files first then build everything for production. You can use the ./dist folder to deploy your app, all the required files are in that folder, production ready.
