
A collection of notebooks and projects done as a part of Udacity's Pytorch Scholarship Challenge.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Udacity's PyTorch Scholarship Challenge Nanodegree

A collection of concepts, notebooks and projects done as a part of Udacity's Pytorch Scholarship Challenge.

Lesson 1

Welcome to the Scholarship Challenge

Lesson 2

Introduction to Neural Networks

Lesson 2 notes

Notebook: Gradient Descent

Notebook: Analyzing Student Data

Lesson 3

Talking PyTorch with Soumith Chintala

Hear from Soumith Chintala, the creator of PyTorch, about the past, present, and future of the PyTorch framework.

Lesson 4

Introduction to PyTorch

1 - Tensors in PyTorch

2 - Neural Networks in PyTorch

3 - Training Neural Networks

4 - Fashion-MNIST

5 - Inference and Validation

6 - Saving and Loading Models

7 - Loading Image Data

8 - Transfer Learning

Lesson 5

Convolutional Neural Networks

Notebook: MNIST-MLP

Convolutional Layer Visualization (Notebooks)

CIFAR 10 Classification (Notebooks)

Lesson 6

Style Transfer

Notebook: Neural Style Transfer

Lesson 7

Recurrent Neural Networks

Character level RNN and LSTM (Notebook)

Time Series using RNN (Notebook)

Lesson 8

Sentiment Prediction with RNNs

Notebook: Sentiment Prediction with RNNs

Lesson 9

Deploying PyTorch Models

Challenge Project

[Coming Soon]