
A collection of notebooks and projects done as a part of Udacity's Deep Learning Nanodegree using Pytorch.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Deep Learning Nanodegree

A collection of notebooks and projects done as a part of Udacity's Deep Learning Nanodegree using Pytorch.

Introduction to Deep Learning

Lesson 1 - Welcome to the Deep Learning Nanodegree Program

Lesson 2 - Career Services Available to You

Lesson 3 - Get Help from Peers and Mentors

Lesson 4 - Get Help with Your Account

Lesson 5 - Applying Deep Learning

Lesson 6 - Anaconda

Lesson 8 - Matrix Math and NumPy Refresher

Neural Networks

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Neural Networks

Lesson 2 - Implementing Gradient Descent

Lesson 3 - Training Neural Networks

Lesson 4 - GPU Workspaces Demo

Lesson 6 - Sentiment Analysis

Lesson 7 - Deep Learning with PyTorch

Convolutional Neural Networks

Lesson 1 - Convolutional Neural Networks

Lesson 2 - Cloud Computing

Lesson 3 - Transfer Learning

Lesson 4 - Weight Initialization

Lesson 5 - Autoencoders

Lesson 6 - Style Transfer

Lesson 8 - Deep Learning for Cancer Detection

TODO: Mini-project to detect skin cancer from images

Lesson 9 - Jobs in Deep Learning

Recurrent Neural Networks

Lesson 1 - Recurrent Neural Networks

Lesson 2 - Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs)

Lesson 3 - Implementation of RNN & LSTM

Lesson 4 - Hyperparameters

Lesson 5 - Embeddings & Word2Vec

Lesson 6 - Sentiment Prediction RNN

Lesson 8 - Attention

Generative Adversarial Networks

Lesson 1 - Generative Adversarial Networks

Lesson 2 - Deep Convolutional GANs

Lesson 3 - Pix2Pix & CycleGAN

Lesson 4 - Implementing a CycleGAN

Project - Generate Faces

Deploying a Model

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Deployment

Lesson 2 - Building a Model using SageMaker

Lesson 3 - Deploying and Using a Model

Lesson 4 - Hyperparameter Tuning