
EECE 5645 - Final Project

Primary LanguagePython

README: Spark-Reddit Project

EECE 5645 - Final Project

This README file contains information on the Parallel Processing Final Project: Social Network Analysis for Reddit. This project consists of the following:

  • ClassifyEdges.py file
  • EvaluateTime.sh
  • data folder
  • logs folder
  • save_models folder
  • save_preds folder

Python File

All python files are individually commented and documented. For more information on a particular function within a python file, please import the module into a python environment and use the "help(FuncName)".


This python file requires the following modules to be installed in the python environment:

  • numpy
  • argparse
  • sys
  • os
  • shutil
  • time
  • findspark
  • pyspark
  • pdb

For information on all positional arguments use the following: "python ClassifyEdges.py -h" or "python ClassifyEdges.py -help".

To execute this file, use spark-submit. For example: "spark-submit --master local[20] --executor-memory 100G --driver-memory 100G ClassifyEdges.py --N 1000"

Bash Script


This script compares the performance of a non-parallelized execution to a parallel execution using a single local thread "local[1]" as well as 20 local threads "local[20]". The resulting "time output" files are saved under a new name, for later use.


data folder

The data folder contains all the edge data of the graph. It contains two files:

  • soc-redditHyperlinks-body.tst -- Network of subreddit-to-subreddit hyperlinks extracted from hyperlinks in the body of the post
  • soc-redditHyperlinks-title.tsv -- Network of subreddit-to-subreddit hyperlinks extracted from hyperlinks in the title of the post.


logs folder

This folder contains two log files generated by the ClassifyEdges code:

  • output.txt -- Contains information about the output of the most recent run. This output file contains most of the metrics and analysis results of the model.
  • time.txt -- Contains information about the execution time for a particular run.

models folder

This folder contains the linear regression model. They are saved with automatically generated names that depend on the following: the regularization parameter, the elastic parameter, and the number of max-iterations N.

preds folder

This folder contains the model prediction results. They are saved with automatically generated names that depend on the following: the regularization parameter, the elastic parameter, and the number of max-iterations N.