To build a project

  • Java 11 or newer
  • Gradle 7.4 or newer

About default setup

  • gradle assemble to initialize a project
  • You can start Spring application via your favourite ide or using gradle bootjar and then executing previously created jar
  • It uses h2 for db so no need to setup any external database. To access running application db http://localhost:8080/h2-console/login.jsp (login parameters are in file)
  • schema.sql will generate sql tables when Spring application starts
  • If you have any problems to run this pre-setup Spring application then feel free to create your own Spring project


  • Write endpoint POST /payment with JSON body
    • Request json example:
          "senderAccountId": "1",
          "receiverAccountId: "2",
          "amount": "100.00"
  • Requirements
    • Amount must be a number > 0 and can have two decimal places
    • senderAccountId, receiverAccountId are account table id-s
    • Account balance cannot go negative.
    • Money is withdrawn from sender account and deposited into receiver account
    • And everything else what you think that is important
  • Example
    • Before payment
      • Sender account balance 100.00
      • Receiver account balance 100.00
    • Do payment
      • POST /payment
        	"senderAccountId": "1",
        	"receiverAccountId: "2",
        	"amount": "100.00"
    • After payment
      • Sender account balance 0.00
      • Receiver account balance 200.00