
1.1 The purpose of this Terms and Conditions document is to regulate the participation of people interested in participating in Novartis Datathon (, organized by Novartis, with the collaboration of Eurecat (hereinafter "The Organization"), on 23rd and 24th November 2019 in Valkiria Hub Space (Barcelona).

1.2 For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, the terms and expressions that begin with a capital letter, in quotation marks and in bold, they will have the meaning assigned to them immediately: "Novartis Datathon" means a Big Data challenge focused on predictive analytics and AI applied to a forecasting challenge where data scientists, modellers and programmers will present the numerical results and the approaches taken according to the content of these terms” "Organization" means Novartis with the collaboration of Eurecat. "Participant/s" means the person(s) of at least 18 years of age, in possession of the documentation legally necessary to prove their age and identity, who apply for the “Novartis Datathon”, in accordance with what was established in these terms. "Team" means the "Participant", consisting of a person or a group of people to a maximum of 4, who apply for participating in “Novartis Datathon” in accordance with what was established in these participation bases.

1.3 “Novartis Datathon” is a Big Data challenge focused on predictive analytics and AI applied to a forecasting challenge where data scientists, modellers and programmers will present the numerical results and the approaches taken according to the content of these terms”

1.4 The purpose of “Novartis Datathon” is to promote and foster innovation, talent and development through the use of data to improve forecasting. Also, to create an ecosystem of creativity and inspiration among data scientists, modellers and programmers, while sharing knowledge and experiences.

1.5 Participation can be individually or collectively by "Teams" between 1 and 4 people. with programmers, data scientists and modellers profiles. They must meet the requirements established in these bases of participation to apply.

1.6 The challenge will be data scienced based on finance data.

1.7 There will be 3 winner teams chosen by a panel of judges: First Prize: iPads + cash (total value for team: 4.000€) Second Prize: Sports Watches + cash (total value for team: 2.000€) Third Prize: AirPods + cash (total value for team: 1.000€) The prizes will be delivered within the maximum of 90 (ninety) days counting from 24th November 2019.