
Primary LanguageJava

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Universe is a collection of planetary bodies.

REST API Assignment

Assignment Details

  1. Create a PlanetaryBody model with the following fields:
    • name (string)
    • mass (float)
    • radius (float)
    • numberOfMoons (int)
  2. Create a REST API endpoint for the Planetary Body model that allows for the following operations:
    • POST /planets - Create a new planet
      • Data Validations:
        • name cannot be empty
        • mass cannot be negative
        • radius cannot be negative
        • numberOfMoons cannot be negative
      • Return bad request on validation error
      • Return 201 response code with the product id as the response on success
  3. Enable Swagger for API documentation
  4. Write a Dockerfile to containerize your microservice.
  5. Provide the Helm charts to deploy the container in Kubernetes.
  6. Write a README that can be used to evaluate your submission.
  7. Push the code to a private GitHub repo and add the username <> as collaborator for evaluating your code.

Technology Stack:

  • Java 11+
  • Spring Boot
  • Postgres
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes