
Spinning a 2-node WebSphere ND Cluster with Docker

Primary LanguageShell

Websphere Application Server Network Deployment 2-Node Cluster on Docker


What is this?

This is a bunch of dockerfiles and docker-compose yaml files to get you started quickly with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment cluster. The purpose of this project is to easily create a 2 node cluster with a custom WAS profile, running on 3 Docker containers:

  • Deployment Manager (dmgr)
  • Custom node 1 running an application server (custom1)
  • Custom node 2 running an application server (custom2)

NOTE: At the moment the cluster needs to be manually created from ISC, after the cell has been initialized.

What is it good for?

Testing, demonstration, learning and POC. Witnessing the AWESOME power of Docker!


  • Git-Bash with Administrator privileges
  • Docker-tools with minimum engine version 1.12.0
  • Docker Hub account with access to download the base nd image. (docker login -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD). Alternatively, you can build your own nd image as per described here. Make sure you change the image name in the FROM block inside dmgr/Dockerfile and custom/Dockerfile to match the one you built. You will also need to update the docker-compose.yml file with your image names.

How do I run it?

  1. Clone this repo https://github.com/amirbarkal/websphere-nd-docker.git
  2. Change to the repo dir cd websphere-nd-docker
  3. Execute docker-compose up -d
  4. Wait for it... (Can take up to 20 minutes depending on the speed of your internet connection and CPU) You can check containers status with docker stats. When CPU activity is around 0% your cluster is ready!

How do I access it?

Open http://DOCKER_HOST:9060/admin Security is off, so use whatever login name you like.

How do I create the cluster?

Open ISC and enter random username. (i.e. wasadmin)

  1. Go to Servers >> Clusters >> WebSphere application server clusters >> New Create the cluster
  2. Enter cluster name, keep default options and hit Next
  3. Add the first cluster member to node custom1, again keeping all default options and click Next
  4. Add the second cluster member to node custom2 and click Add Member
  5. Review the summary and hit Finish
  6. Click Review
  7. Make sure Synchronize changes with Nodes is selected and then click Save
  8. Wait for configuration synchronization to complete before clicking OK
  9. Start the cluster by selecting it from the list and hit Start
  10. Wait for the 2 application server JVMs to load. You can check their status in Servers >> Server Types >> WebSphere application servers

To Do:

  • Automate cluster creation upon cell initialization

Technical Details:

  • Current version level is:

    • IBM Java 7.1.30
    • Websphere Application Server ND 8.5.5 Fix Pack 9
    • Installation Manager 1.6.2
  • The following IBM part numbers and source files were used to construct the image:

    • (CIK2HML) WASND_v8.5.5_1of3.zip
    • (CIK2IML) WASND_v8.5.5_2of3.zip
    • (CIK2JML) WASND_v8.5.5_3of3.zip
    • (CIK2GML) Install_Mgr_v1.6.2_Lnx_WASv8.5.5.zip
    • 8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP0000009-part1.zip
    • 8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP0000009-part2.zip