
Cryptography Conversations

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Cryptography Conversations

Cryptography relies on the existence of mathematical problems that are easy to verify and difficult to solve. Anyone can efficiently check if a proposed solution to the problem is correct. Finding a solution to the problem yourself, without any prior knowledge or hints, is computationally expensive and impractical. This difficulty creates the secrecy aspect.

This is an attempt to journal my explorations in the world of cryptography. It seems like there are numeral pathways in cryptography. One of my primary question is what is the source of this multiplicity? Is it the possibility of embedding randomness, noise and peturbations into the systems. Is it the amorphous architecture of information systems? Why are there so many routes which are difficult to solve but easy to verify. What is the source of this abstraction of pathways that makes the pathway to solution difficult to navigate than the pathway to verification.