Device tree to compile twrp for Xiami Mi Play (lotus).

It has been created by TWRP device tree generator ( with some modification in the recovery.fstab file.

Getting Started

You need OMNI sources minimal manifest to build TWRP and at the moment openJDK 8.

Create a working dir and jump in

mkdir twrp8.1; cd twrp8.1;

To initialize a shallow clone, which will save even more space, use a command like this:

repo init --depth=1 -u git:// -b twrp-8.1

If not present, create device/xiaomi/lotus folder

mkdir ./device/xiaomi/lotus

Move our device tree in that directory

git clone device/xiaomi/lotus

Then to sync up:

repo sync

Then to build:

. build/; lunch omni_lotus-eng; mka recoveryimage