
This service offers an interface for Inventory Linking Exports.

The objective of the service POST API is as follows:

  1. Receive a request from a user wishing to submit an inventory linking declaration
  2. Validate the request payload conforms to the schema
  3. Pass the request to MDG
  4. Respond to the declarant indicating the success of steps 2 / 3.

It is assumed that the underlying MDG process is asynchronous, and that the only response to the declarant from this API is to indicate the success (or otherwise) of the validation and submission to downstream system.

Custom SBT Task for generating ZIP file containing schemas

There is an SBT task zipXsds that generates a ZIP file containing schemas, for each version under /public/api/conf during the packaging phase (so are not generated during normal development). These ZIP files are referenced by the RAML. These references are rendered as HTML links to generated ZIP in the deployed service.

Overriding Client Id value

As per design the service accepts incoming HTTP header api-subscription-fields-id and sends its value downstream as <types:clientID> XML tag value in payload. If a hardcoded value is provided in deployment configuration, the service uses this value calling downstream system ignoring HTTP header value if any.

override.clientID: 'predefined-client-id'

Lookup of fieldsId UUID from api-subscription-fields service

The strategic design is for the developer hub gateway to lookup the fieldsId UUID from api-subscription-fields service, and to put this value in the api-subscription-fields-id.

The tactical solution implemented is to use the incoming X-Client-ID header, together with the application context and version, to call the api-subscription-fields service to get the unique fieldsId UUID and to put this value in the api-subscription-fields-id header.

So there is now a direct dependency on the api-subscription-fields service. Note the service to get the fieldsId is not currently stubbed.

Seeding Data in api-subscription-fields for local end to end testing

Make sure the api-subscription-fields service is running on port 9650. Then run the below curl command.

We then have to manually reset the fieldId field to match the id expected by the downstream services. In a mongo command window paste the following, one after the other.

use api-subscription-fields

    { "clientId" : "6372609a-f550-11e7-8c3f-9a214cf093ae", "apiContext" : "customs/inventory-linking/exports", "apiVersion" : "1.0" },
    { $set:
        {"fieldsId" : "6372609a-f550-11e7-8c3f-9a214cf093ae"}

When you then send a request to customs-inventory-linking-exports make sure you have the HTTP header X-Client-ID with the value 6372609a-f550-11e7-8c3f-9a214cf093ae

Switching service endpoints

Dynamic switching of service endpoints has been implemented for mdg connector. To configure dynamic switching of the endpoint there must be a corresponding section in the application config file (see example below). This should contain the endpoint config details.


The service mdg-exports has a default configuration and a stub configuration. Note that default configuration is declared directly inside the customs-inventory-linking-exports section.

    services {

      mdg-exports {
          host = localhost
          port = 9477
          bearer-token = "real"
          context = /inventorylinking/exportsinbound/1.0.0
          stub {
            host = localhost
            port = 9478
            bearer-token = "real"
            context = /inventorylinking/exportsinbound

Switch service configuration for an endpoint

test-only endpoints work if and only if -Dapplication.router=testOnlyDoNotUseInAppConf.Routes is provided


curl -X "POST" http://localhost:9823/test-only/service/mdg-exports/configuration -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "environment": "stub" }'


The service mdg-exports is now configured to use the stub environment

Switch service configuration to default for an endpoint


curl -X "POST" http://localhost:9823/test-only/service/mdg-exports/configuration -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "environment": "default" }'


The service mdg-exports is now configured to use the default environment

Get the current configuration for a service


curl -X "GET" http://localhost:9823/test-only/service/mdg-exports/configuration


  "service": "mdg-exports",
  "environment": "stub",
  "url": "http://currenturl/customs-inventory-linking-exports"
  "bearerToken": "current token"