
Shell script of installing all recommended plugins of oh-my-zsh

Primary LanguageShell

oh-my-zsh recommended plugins auto installer

How to use this script:

  1. Save this script as oh-my-zsh-plugin-installer.sh.

  2. Open your terminal and grant execution permissions to the script by running the following command:

    chmod +x oh-my-zsh-plugin-installer.sh
  3. Execute the script:



  1. このスクリプトを oh-my-zsh-plugin-installer.sh として保存します。

  2. ターミナルを開き、以下のコマンドを実行してスクリプトに実行権限を付与します:

    chmod +x oh-my-zsh-plugin-installer.sh
  3. スクリプトを実行します:
