
An alpine-node docker image, including automatic compatibility with linked docker-in-docker containers.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


An alpine-node docker image, including automatic compatibility with linked docker-in-docker containers.

How to use

Start a dind container:

docker run --privileged --name dind-box -d docker:dind

Now start this container, and link dind in:

docker run --rm -it --link dind-box:docker tomfrost/alpine-node-dimd-compat /bin/sh

Now that you're inside the container, docker ps works and node is available!


This is not an actively maintained reposity and was created for personal use only. Feel free to fork or copy as necessary.


The image was heavily based on https://hub.docker.com/r/mhart/alpine-node/
alpine-node-dind-compat was created by Tom Shawver in December 2016