
proposal: spec: add typed enum support

derekperkins opened this issue Β· 219 comments

I'd like to propose that enum be added to Go as a special kind of type. The examples below are borrowed from the protobuf example.

Enums in Go today

type SearchRequest int
var (
	SearchRequestUNIVERSAL SearchRequest = 0 // UNIVERSAL
	SearchRequestWEB       SearchRequest = 1 // WEB
	SearchRequestIMAGES    SearchRequest = 2 // IMAGES
	SearchRequestLOCAL     SearchRequest = 3 // LOCAL
	SearchRequestNEWS      SearchRequest = 4 // NEWS
	SearchRequestPRODUCTS  SearchRequest = 5 // PRODUCTS
	SearchRequestVIDEO     SearchRequest = 6 // VIDEO

type SearchRequest string
var (
	SearchRequestUNIVERSAL SearchRequest = "UNIVERSAL"
	SearchRequestWEB       SearchRequest = "WEB"
	SearchRequestIMAGES    SearchRequest = "IMAGES"
	SearchRequestLOCAL     SearchRequest = "LOCAL"
	SearchRequestNEWS      SearchRequest = "NEWS"
	SearchRequestPRODUCTS  SearchRequest = "PRODUCTS"
	SearchRequestVIDEO     SearchRequest = "VIDEO"

// IsValid has to be called everywhere input happens, or you risk bad data - no guarantees
func (sr SearchRequest) IsValid() bool {
	switch sr {
		case SearchRequestUNIVERSAL, SearchRequestWEB...:
			return true
	return false

How it might look with language support

enum SearchRequest int {
    0 // UNIVERSAL
    1 // WEB
    2 // IMAGES
    3 // LOCAL
    4 // NEWS
    5 // PRODUCTS
    6 // VIDEO

enum SearchRequest string {

The pattern is common enough that I think it warrants special casing, and I believe that it makes code more readable. At the implementation layer, I would imagine that the majority of cases can be checked at compile time, some of which already happen today, while others are near impossible or require significant tradeoffs.

  • Safety for exported types: nothing prevents someone from doing SearchRequest(99) or SearchRequest("MOBILEAPP"). Current workarounds include making an unexported type with options, but that often makes the resulting code harder to use / document.
  • Runtime safety: Just like protobuf is going to check for validity while unmarshaling, this provides language wide validation, anytime that an enum is instantiated.
  • Tooling / Documentation: many packages today put valid options into field comments, but not everyone does it and there is no guarantee that the comments aren't outdated.

Things to Consider

  • Nil: by implementing enum on top of the type system, I don't believe this should require special casing. If someone wants nil to be valid, then the enum should be defined as a pointer.
  • Default value / runtime assignments: This is one of the tougher decisions to make. What if the Go default value isn't defined as a valid enum? Static analysis can mitigate some of this at compile time, but there would need to be a way to handle outside input.

I don't have any strong opinions on the syntax. I do believe this could be done well and would make a positive impact on the ecosystem.

@derekparker there's a discussion for making a Go2 proposal in #19412

I read through that earlier today, but that seemed more focused on valid types, where this is focused on valid type values. Maybe this is a subset of that proposal, but also is a less far-reaching change to the type system that could be put into Go today.

enums are a special case of sum types where all the types are the same and there's a value associated to each by a method. More to type, surely, but same effect. Regardless, it would be one or the other, sum types cover more ground, and even sum types are unlikely. Nothing's happening until Go2 because of the Go1 compatibility agreement, in any case, since these proposals would, at the very least, require a new keyword, should any of them be accepted

Fair enough, but neither of these proposals is breaking the compatibility agreement. There was an opinion expressed that sum types were "too big" to add to Go1. If that's the case, then this proposal is a valuable middle ground that could be a stepping stone to full sum types in Go2.

They both require a new keyword which would break valid Go1 code using that as an identifier

I think that could be worked around

A new language feature needs compelling use cases. All language features are useful, or nobody would propose them; the question is: are they useful enough to justify complicating the language and requiring everyone to learn the new concepts? What are the compelling use cases here? How will people use these? For example, would people expect to be able to iterate over the set of valid enum values, and if so how would they do that? Does this proposal do more than let you avoid adding default cases to some switches?

Here's the idiomatic way of writing enumerations in current Go:

type SearchRequest int

const (
	Universal SearchRequest = iota

This has the advantage that it's easy to create flags that can be OR:ed (using operator |):

type SearchRequest int

const (
	Universal SearchRequest = 1 << iota

I can't see that introducing a keyword enum would make it much shorter.

bep commented

@md2perpe that isn't enums.

  1. They cannot be enumerated, iterated.
  2. They have no useful string representation.
  3. They have no identity:
package main

import (

func main() {
	type SearchRequest int
	const (
		Universal SearchRequest = iota

	const (
		Another SearchRequest = iota

	fmt.Println("Should be false: ", (Web == Foo))
        // Prints: "Should be false:  true"

I totally agree with @derekperkins that Go needs some enum as first class citizen. How that would look like, I'm not sure, but I suspect it could be done without breaking the Go 1 glass house.

@md2perpe iota is a very limited way to approach enums, which works great for a limited set of circumstances.

  1. You need an int
  2. You only need to be consistent inside your package, not representing external state

As soon as you need to represent a string or another type, which is very common for external flags, iota doesn't work for you. If you want to match against a external/database representation, I wouldn't use iota, because then ordering in source code matters and reordering would cause data integrity issues.

This isn't just an convenience issue to make code shorter. This is a proposal that will allow for data integrity in a way that is not enforceable by the language today.


For example, would people expect to be able to iterate over the set of valid enum values, and if so how would they do that?

I think that is a solid use case, as mentioned by @bep. I think the iteration would look like a standard Go loop, and I think they would loop in the order that they were defined.

for i, val := range SearchRequest {

If Go were to add anything more than iota, at that point why not go for algebraic data types?

By extension of ordering according to the definition order, and following the example of protobuf, I think that the default value of the field would be the first defined field.

@bep Not as convenient, but you can get all these properties:

package main

var SearchRequests []SearchRequest
type SearchRequest struct{ name string }
func (req SearchRequest) String() string { return req.name }

func Request(name string) SearchRequest {
	req := SearchRequest{name}
	SearchRequests = append(SearchRequests, req)
	return req

var (
	Universal = Request("Universal")
	Web       = Request("Web")

	Another = Request("Another")
	Foo     = Request("Foo")

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Should be false: ", (Web == Foo))
	fmt.Println("Should be true: ", (Web == Web))
	for i, req := range SearchRequests {
		fmt.Println(i, req)

I don't think compile-time checked enums are a good idea. I believe go pretty much has this right right now. My reasoning is

  • compile-time checked enums are neither backwards nor forwards compatible for the case of additions or removals. #18130 spends significant effort to move go towards enabling gradual code repair; enums would destroy that effort; any package that ever wants to change a set of enums, would automatically and forcibly break all their importers.
  • Contrary to what the original comment claims, protobuf (for that specific reason) don't actually check the validity of enum fields. proto2 specifies that an unknown value for an enum should be treated like an unknown field and proto3 even specifies, that the generated code must have a way to represent them with the encoded value (exactly like go does currently with fake-enums)
  • In the end, it doesn't actually add a lot. You can get stringification by using the stringer tool. You can get iteration, by adding a sentinel MaxValidFoo const (but see above caveat. You shouldn't even have the requirement). You just shouldn't have the two const-decls in the first place. Just integrate a tool into your CI that checks for that.
  • I don't believe other types than ints are actually necessary. The stringer tool should already cover converting to and from strings; in the end, the generated code would be equivalent to what a compiler would generate anyway (unless you seriously suggest that any comparison on "string-enums" would iterate the bytes…)

Overall, just a huge -1 for me. Not only doesn't it add anything; it actively hurts.

I think current enum implementation in Go is very straightforward and provides enough compilation time checks. I actually expect some kind of Rust enums with basic pattern matching, but it possibly breaks Go1 guaranties.

Since enums are a special case of sum types and the common wisdom is that we should use interfaces to simulate sum types the answer is clearly https://play.golang.org/p/1BvOakvbj2

(if it's not clear: yes, that is a jokeβ€”in classic programmer fashion, I'm off by one).

In all seriousness, for the features discussed in this thread, some extra tooling would be useful.

Like the stringer tool, a "ranger" tool could generate the equivalent of the Iter func in the code I linked above.

Something could generate {Binary,Text}{Marshaler,Unmarshaler} implementations to make them easier to send over the wire.

I'm sure there are a lot of little things like this that would be quite useful on occasion.

There are some vetting/linter tools for exhaustiveness checking of sum types simulated with interfaces. No reason there couldn't be ones for iota enums that tell you when cases are missed or invalid untyped constants are used (maybe it should just report anything other than 0?).

There's certainly room for improvement on that front even without language changes.

Enums would complement the already established type system. As the many examples in this issue have shown, the building blocks for enums is already present. Just as channels are high level abstractions build on more primitives types, enums should be built in the same manner. Humans are arrogant, clumsy, and forgetful, mechanisms like enums help human programmers make less programming errors.

@bep I have to disagree with all three of your points. Go idiomatic enums strongly resemble C enums, which do not have any iteration of valid values, do not have any automatic conversion to strings, and do not have necessarily distinct identity.

Iteration is nice to have, but in most cases if you want iteration, it is fine to define constants for the first and last values. You can even do so in a way that does not require updating when you add new values, since iota will automatically make it one-past-the-end. The situation where language support would make a meaningful difference is when the values of the enum are non-contiguous.

Automatic conversion to string is only a small value: especially in this proposal, the string values need to be written to correspond to the int values, so there is little to be gained over explicitly writing an array of string values yourself. In an alternate proposal, it could be worth more, but there are downsides to forcing variable names to correspond to string representations as well.

Finally, distinct identity I'm not even sure is a useful feature at all. Enums are not sum types as in, say, Haskell. They are named numbers. Using enums as flag values, for instance, is common. For instance, you can have ReadWriteMode = ReadMode | WriteMode and this is a useful thing. It's quite possible to also have other values, for instance you might have DefaultMode = ReadMode. It's not like any method could stop someone from writing const DefaultMode = ReadMode in any case; what purpose does it serve to require it to happen in a separate declaration?

bep commented

@bep I have to disagree with all three of your points. Go idiomatic enums strongly resemble C enums, which do not have any iteration of valid values, do not have any automatic conversion to strings, and do not have necessarily distinct identity.

@alercah, please don't pull this idomatic Go into any discussion as a supposedly "winning argument"; Go doesn't have built-in Enums, so talking about some non-existing idoms, make little sense.

Go was built to be a better C/C++ or a less verbose Java, so comparing it to the latter would make more sense. And Java does have a built-in Enum type ("Java programming language enum types are much more powerful than their counterparts in other languages. "): https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/enum.html

And, while you may disagree with the "much more powerful part", the Java Enum type does have all of the three features I mentioned.

I can appreciate the argument that Go is leaner, simpler etc., and that some compromise must be taken to keep it this way, and I have seen some hacky workarounds in this thread that kind of works, but a set of iota ints do not alone make an enum.

Enumerations and automatic string conversions are good candidates for the 'go generate' feature. We have some solutions already. Java enums are something in the middle of classic enums and sum types. So it is a bad language design in my opinion.
The thing about idiomatic Go is the key, and I don't see strong reasons to copy all the features from language X to language Y, just because someone is familiar with.

Java programming language enum types are much more powerful than their counterparts in other languages

That was true a decade ago. See modern zero-cost implementation of Option in Rust powered by sum types and pattern matching.

bep commented

The thing about idiomatic Go is the key, and I don't see strong reasons to copy all the features from language X to language Y, just because someone is familiar with.

Note that I don't disagree too much with the conclusions given here, but the use of _ idiomatic Go_ is putting Go up on som artsy pedestal. Most software programming is fairly boring and practical. And often you just need to populate a drop-down box with an enum ...

//go:generate enumerator Foo,Bar
Written once, available everywhere. Note that the example is abstract.

@bep I think you misread the original comment. "Go idiomatic enums" was supposed to refer to the current construction of using type Foo int + const-decl + iota, I believe, not to say "whatever you are proposing isn't idiomatic".

@rsc Regarding the Go2 label, that's counter to my reasoning for submitting this proposal. #19412 is a full sum types proposal, which is a more powerful superset than my simple enum proposal here, and I would rather see that in Go2. From my perspective, the likelihood of Go2 happening in the next 5 years is tiny, and I'd rather see something happen in a shorter timeframe.

If my proposal of a new reserved keyword enum is impossible for BC, there are still other ways to implement it, whether it be a full-on language integration or tooling built into go vet. Like I originally stated, I'm not particular on the syntax, but I strongly believe that it would be a valuable addition to Go today without adding a significant cognitive burden for new users.

A new keyword is not possible before Go 2. It would be a clear violation of the Go 1 compatibility guarantee.

Personally, I am not yet seeing the compelling arguments for enum, or, for that matter, for sum types, even for Go 2. I'm not saying they can't happen. But one of the goals of the Go language is simplicity of the language. It's not enough for a language feature to be useful; all language features are useful--if they weren't useful, nobody would propose them. In order to add a feature to Go the feature has to have enough compelling use cases to make it worth complicating the language. The most compelling use cases are code that can not be written without the feature, at least now without great awkwardness.

jorng commented

I would love to see enums in Go. I am constantly finding myself wanting to restrict my exposed API (or working with a restricted API outside of my app) in which there are a limited number of valid inputs. To me, this is the perfect spot for an enum.

For example, I could be making a client app that connects to some sort of RPC style API, and has a specified set of actions / opcodes. I can use consts for this, but there is nothing preventing anybody (myself included!) from just sending an invalid code.

On the other side of that, if I am writing the server side for that same API, it would be nice to be able to write a switch statement on the enum, that would throw a compiler error (or at least some go vet warnings) if all the possible values of the enum are not checked (or at least a default: exists).

I think this (enums) is an area that Swift really got right.

I could be making a client app that connects to some sort of RPC style API, and has a specified set of actions / opcodes. I can use consts for this, but there is nothing preventing anybody (myself included!) from just sending an invalid code.

This is a horrible idea to solve with enums. This would mean you can now never ever add a new enum value, because suddenly RPCs might be failing or your data will become unreadable upon rollback. The reason proto3 require that generated enum-code supports a "unknown code" value is that this is a lesson learned by pain (compare it with how proto2 solved this, which is better, but still very bad). You want the application to be able to handle this case gracefully.

jorng commented

@Merovius I respect your opinion, but politely disagree. Making sure only valid values are used is one of the primary uses of enums.

Enums aren't right for every situation, but they are great for some! Proper versioning and error handling should be able to handle new values in most of the situations.

For dealing with external processes having an uh-oh state is a must, certainly.

With enums (or the more general and useful sum types) you can add an explicit "unknown" code to the sum/enum that the compiler forces you to deal with (or just handle that situation entirely at the endpoint if all you can do is log it and move on to the next request).

I find sum types more useful for inside a process when I know have X cases that I know I must deal with. For small X it's not hard to manage, but, for large X, I appreciate the compiler yelling at me, especially when refactoring.

Across API boundaries the use cases are fewer, and one should always err on the side of extensibility, but sometimes you do have something that can truly only ever be one of X things, like with an AST or more trivial examples like a "day of the week" value where the range is pretty much settled at this point (up to choice of calendrical system).

@jimmyfrasche I might give you Day of the Week, but not AST. Grammars evolve. What might be invalid today, could totally be valid tomorrow and that might involve adding new node-types to the AST. With compiler-checked sum-types, this wouldn't be possible without breakages.

And I don't see why this can't just be solved by a vet-check; giving you perfectly suitable static checking of exhaustive cases and giving me the possibility of gradual repairs.

I'm playing around with implementing a client for a server API. Some of the arguments and return values are enums in the API. There are 45 enum types in total.

Using enumerated constants in Go is not feasible in my case since some of the values for different enum types share the same name. In the example below, Destroy appears twice so the compiler will issue the error Destroy redeclared in this block.

type TaskAllowedOperations int
const (
	_ TaskAllowedOperations = iota

type OnNormalExit int
const (
	_ OnNormalExit = iota

Hence I will need to come up with a different representation. Ideally one that allows an IDE to show the possible values for a given type so that the users of the client would have an easier time using it. Having enum as a first class citizen in Go would satisfy that.

abice commented

@kongslund I know it's not a perfect implementation, but I just made a code generator that might be of interest to you. It only requires that you declare your enum in a comment above the type declaration and will generate the rest for you.

// ENUM(_, Cancel, Destroy)
type TaskAllowedOperations int

// ENUM(_, Destroy, Restart)
type OnNormalExit int

Would generate

  _ TaskAllowedOperations = iota

  _ OnNormalExit = iota

The better part is that it would generate String() methods that exclude the prefix in them, allowing you to parse "Destroy" as either TaskAllowedOperations or OnNormalExit.


Now that the plug is out of the way...

I personally don't mind that enums are not included as part of the go language, which was not my original feeling toward the matter. When first coming to go I often had a confused reaction as to why so many choices were made. But after using the language, it's nice to have the simplicity that it adheres to, and if something extra is needed, chances are good someone else has needed it too and made an awesome package to help out with that particular problem. Keeping the amount of cruft to my discretion.

Many valid points have been raised in this discussion, some in favor of enum support and also many against it (at least as far as the proposal said anything about what "enums" are in the first place). A few things that stuck out for me:

  • The introductory example (Enums in Go today) is misleading: That code is generated and almost nobody would write Go code like that by hand. In fact, the suggestion (How it might look like with language support) is much closer to what we actually already do in Go.

  • @jediorange mentions that Swift "really got (enums) right": Be that as it may, but Swift enums are a surprisingly complicated beast, mixing all kinds of concepts together. In Go we deliberately avoided mechanims that overlapped with other language features and in return obtain more orthogonality. The consequence for a programmer is that she doesn't have to make a decision which feature to use: an enum or a class, or a sum type (if we had them), or an interface.

  • @ianlancetaylor's point about the usefulness of language features must not be taken lightly. There's a gazillion of useful features; the question is which ones are truly compelling and worth their cost (of extra complexity of the language and thus readability, and of implementation).

  • As a minor point, iota-defined constants in Go are of course not restricted to ints. As long as they are constants they are restricted to (possibly named) basic types (incl. floats, booleans, strings: https://play.golang.org/p/lhd3jqqg5z).

  • @Merovius makes good points about the limitations of (static!) compile-time checks. I am very doubtful that enumerations that cannot be extended are suitable in sutuations where extension is desirable or expected (any long-lived API surface evolves over time).

Which brings me to some questions about this proposal which I believe need to be answered before there can be any meaningful progress:

  1. What are the actual expectations for enums as proposed? @bep mentions enumerability, iterability, string representations, identity. Is there more? Is there less?

  2. Assuming the list in 1), can enums be extended? If so, how? (in the same package? another package?) If they cannot be extended, why not? Why is that not a problem in practice?

  3. Namespace: In Swift, an enum type introduces a new namespace. There's significant machinery (syntactic sugar, type deduction) such that the namespace name doesn't have to be repeated everywhere. E.g., for enum values of an enum Month, in the right context, one can write .January rather than Month.January (or worse, MyPackage.Month.January). Is an enum namespace needed? If so, how is an enum namespace extended? What kind of syntactic sugar is required to make this work in practice?

  4. Are enum values constants? Immutable values?

  5. What kind of operations are possible on enum values (say, besides iteration): Can I move one forward, one backward? Does it require extra built-in functions or operators? (Not all iterations may be in order). What happens if one moves forward past the last enum value? Is that a runtime error?

(I've corrected my phrasing of the next paragraph in #19814 (comment). Apologies for the careless choice of words below.)

Without trying to actually answer these questions this proposal is meaningless ("I want enums that do what I want" is not a proposal).

bep commented

Without trying to actually answer these questions this proposal is meaningless

@griesemer You have a great set of points/questions -- but labelling this proposal meaningless for not answering these questions makes little sense. The bar for contribution is set high in this project, but it should be allowed to propose something without having a PhD in compilers, and a proposal should not need to be a ready to implement design.

  • Go needed this proposal as it started a much-needed discussion => value and meaning
  • If it also lead to proposal #21473 => value and meaning

The introductory example (Enums in Go today) is misleading: That code is generated and almost nobody would write Go code like that by hand. In fact, the suggestion (How it might look like with language support) is much closer to what we actually already do in Go.

@griesemer I have to disagree. I shouldn't have left the full uppercasing in the Go variable name, but there are plenty of places where handwritten code looks nearly identical to my suggestion, written by Googlers who I respect in the Go community. We follow the same pattern in our codebase quite often. Here's an example pulled from the Google Cloud Go library.

// ACLRole is the level of access to grant.
type ACLRole string

const (
	RoleOwner  ACLRole = "OWNER"
	RoleReader ACLRole = "READER"
	RoleWriter ACLRole = "WRITER"

They use the same construct in multiple places.

There was some discussion later about how you can make things more terse if you're ok using iota, which can be useful in its own right, but for a limited use case. See my previous comment for more details. #19814 (comment)

@bep Fair point; I apologize for my careless choice of words. Let me try again, hopefully phrasing my last paragraph above more respectfully and clearer this time:

In order to be able to make meaningful progress, I believe the proponents of this proposal should try to be a bit more precise about what they believe are important features of enums (for instance by answering some of the questions in #19814 (comment)). From the discussion so far the desired features are only described fairly vague.

Perhaps as a first step, it would be really useful to have case studies that show how existing Go falls (significantly) short and how enums would solve a problem better/faster/clearer, etc. See also @rsc's excellent talk at Gophercon regarding Go2 language changes.

@derekperkins I would call those (typed) constant definitions, not enums. I'm guessing our disagreement is due to a different understanding of what an "enum" is supposed to be, hence my questions above.

(My previous #19814 (comment) should have gone to @derekperkins of course, not @ derekparker. Autocomplete defeated me.)

Judging from @derekperkins comment, and partially answering my own questions, I gather that a Go "enum" should have at least the following qualities:

  • ability to group a set of values under a (new) type
  • make it easy to declare names (and corresponding values, if any) with that type, with minimal syntactic overhead or boilerplate
  • ability to iterate through these values in ascending declaration order

Does that sound right? If so, what else needs to be added to this list?

Your questions are all good ones.

What are the actual expectations for enums as proposed? @bep mentions enumerability, iterability, string representations, identity. Is there more? Is there less?

Assuming the list in 1), can enums be extended? If so, how? (in the same package? another package?) If they cannot be extended, why not? Why is that not a problem in practice?

I don't think enums can be extended for two reasons:

  1. Enums should represent the full range of acceptable values, so extending them doesn't make sense.
  2. Just like normal Go types can't be extended in external packages, this maintains the same mechanics and developer expectations

Namespace: In Swift, an enum type introduces a new namespace. There's significant machinery (syntactic sugar, type deduction) such that the namespace name doesn't have to be repeated everywhere. E.g., for enum values of an enum Month, in the right context, one can write .January rather than Month.January (or worse, MyPackage.Month.January). Is an enum namespace needed? If so, how is an enum namespace extended? What kind of syntactic sugar is required to make this work in practice?

I understand how the namespacing came about, as all of the examples I mentioned prefix with the type name. While I wouldn't be opposed if someone felt strongly about adding namespacing, I think that is out of scope for this proposal. Prefixing fits into the current system just fine.

Are enum values constants? Immutable values?

I would think constants.

What kind of operations are possible on enum values (say, besides iteration): Can I move one forward, one backward? Does it require extra built-in functions or operators? (Not all iterations may be in order). What happens if one moves forward past the last enum value? Is that a runtime error?

I would default to standard Go practices for slices/arrays (not maps). Enum values would be iterable based on declaration order. At a minimum, there would be range support. I lean away from letting enums be accessed via index, but don't feel strongly about it. Not supporting that should eliminate the potential runtime error.

There would be a new runtime error (panic?) caused by assigning an invalid value to an enum, whether that be through direct assignment or type casting.

If I summarize this correctly then enum values as you propose them are like typed constants (and like constants they may have user-defined constant values) but:

  • they also define the enum type associated with the enum values (otherwise they are just constants) in the same declaration
  • it's impossible to cast/create an enum value of an existing enum type outside its declaration
  • it's possible to iterate over them

Does that sound about right? (This would match the classic approach languages have taken towards enums, pioneered some 45 years ago by Pascal).

Yes, that's exactly what I'm proposing.

What about switch-statements? AIUI that is one of the main drivers for the proposal.

jorng commented

Being able to switch on an enumeration is implied, I think, since you can switch on basically anything. I do like that swift has errors if you haven’t fully satisfied the enum in your switch, but that could be handled by vet

@jediorange I was specifically referring to the question of that last part, of whether or not there should be an exhaustiveness-check (in the interest of keeping the proposal complete). "No" is, of course, a perfectly fine answer.

The original message of this issue mentions protobufs as the motivator. I'd like to explicitly call out that with the semantics as given now, the protobuf-compiler would need to create an additional "unrecognized"-case for any enum (implying some name-mangling scheme to prevent collisions). It also would need to add an additional field to any generated struct using enums (again, mangling names in some way), in case the decoded enum-value isn't in the compiled-in range. Just like it is currently done for java. Or, probably more likely, continue to use ints.

@Merovius My original proposal mentioned protobufs as an example, not as the primary motivator for the proposal. You bring up a good point about that integration. I think it should probably be treated as an orthogonal concern. Most code that I've seen converts from the generated protobuf types into app level structs, preferring to use those internally. It would make sense to me that protobuf could continue unchanged, and if the app creators want to convert those into a Go enum, they could handle the edge cases you bring up in the conversion process.

@derekperkins Some more questions:

  • What is the zero value for a variable of enum type that is not explicitly initialized? I assume it can't be zero in general (which complicates memory allocation/initialization).

  • Can we do limited arithmetic with enum values? For instance, in Pascal (in which I programmed once, way back when), it was surprisingly often necessary to iterate in steps > 1. And sometimes one wanted to compute the enum value.

  • Regarding iteration, why is a go generate produced iteration (and stringify) support not good enough?

What is the zero value for a variable of enum type that is not explicitly initialized? I assume it can't be zero in general (which complicates memory allocation/initialization).

As I mentioned in the initial proposal, this is one of the stickier decisions to make. If the definition order matters for iteration, then I think it would similarly make sense to have the first defined value be the default.

Can we do limited arithmetic with enum values? For instance, in Pascal (in which I programmed once, way back when), it was surprisingly often necessary to iterate in steps > 1. And sometimes one wanted to compute the enum value.

Whether you are using numerical or string based enums, does that mean that all enums have an implicit zero based index? The reason I mentioned before that I lean towards only supported range iterations and not index based, is that doesn't expose the underlying implementation, which could use an array or a map or whatever underneath. I don't anticipate needing to access enums via index, but if you have reasons why that would be beneficial, I don't think there is a reason to disallow it.

Regarding iteration, why is a go generate produced iteration (and stringify) support not good enough?

Iteration isn't my main use case personally, though I do think it adds value to the proposal. If that were the driving factor, maybe go generate would be sufficient. That doesn't help guarantee value safety. The Stringer() argument assumes that the raw value is going to be iota or int or some other type representing the "real" value. You would also have to generate (Un)MarshalJSON, (Un)MarshalBinary, Scanner/Valuer and any other serialization methods you might use to ensure that the Stringer value was used to communicate vs whatever Go uses internally.

@griesemer I think I may not have fully answered your question about the extensibility of enums, at least in regards to adding/removing values. Having the ability to edit them is an essential part of this proposal.

From @Merovius #19814 (comment)

any package that ever wants to change a set of enums, would automatically and forcibly break all their importers

I don't see how this is different than any other breaking API change. It's up to the creator of the package to respectfully handle BC, just the same as if types, functions or function signatures change.

From an implementation perspective, it would be quite complex to support types whose default value was not all-bits-zero. There are no such types today. Requiring such a feature would have to count as a mark against this idea.

The only reason the language requires make to create a channel is to preserve this feature for channel types. Otherwise make could be optional, only used to set the channel buffer size or to assign a new channel to an existing variable.

@derekperkins Most other API changes can be orchestrated for gradual repair. I really recommend to read Russ Cox description, it makes a lot of things very clear.

Open enums (like the current const+iota construct) allow gradual repair, by (for example) a) defining the new value without using it, b) updating reverse dependencies to handle the new value, c) start using the value. Or, if you want to remove a value, a) stop using the value, b) update reverse dependencies to not mention the to-be-removed value, c) remove the value.

With closed (compiler-checked for exhaustiveness) enums this is not possible. If you remove the handling of a value or define a new one, the compiler will complain about a missing switch-case immediately. And you can't add handling of a value before defining one.

The question isn't about whether the individual changes could be considered breaking (they can, in isolation), but about whether there is a non-breaking sequence of commits over the distributed code-base that doesn't break.

From an implementation perspective, it would be quite complex to support types whose default value was not all-bits-zero. There are no such types today. Requiring such a feature would have to count as a mark against this idea.

@ianlancetaylor I'm definitely not going to be able to speak to the full implementation, but if enums were implemented as a 0 based array (which is what it sounds like @griesemer is in favor of), then 0 as the index seems like it could double as "all-bits-zero".

With closed (compiler-checked for exhaustiveness) enums this is not possible.

@Merovius If exhaustiveness were checked by go vet or similar tooling as suggested by @jediorange vs enforced by the compiler, would that alleviate your concerns?

@derekperkins About their harmfulness, yes. Not about their lack of usefulness. The same issues of version-skew also happen for the most of the use cases that they are usually considered for (syscalls, network protocols, file formats, shared objects…). There is a reason proto3 requires open enums and proto2 doesn't - it's a lesson learned from many outages and data corruption incidents. Even though Google is already pretty careful to avoid version skew. From my perspective, open enums with default cases are just the correct solution. And apart from alleged safety against invalid values, they don't really bring a lot to the table, from what I can tell.

All of that being said, I'm not a decider.

@derekperkins In #19814 (comment) you are confirming that (from your viewpoint):

  • an enum declaration declares an enum type together with named enum values (constants)
  • it's possible to iterate over them
  • no values can be added to the enum outside its declaration
    And later: A switch over enums must be (or perhaps may not be) exhaustive (seems less important)

In #19814 (comment) you are saying that:

  • the first defined value should probably be the default (zero) value (note that this doesn't matter for iteration, it matters for enum variable initialization)
  • iteration is not your primary motivation

And in #19814 (comment) you are saying the "ability to edit them is an important part of this proposal".

I'm confused: So iteration is not a primary motivator, fine. That leaves at a minimum an enum declaration of enum values that are constants, and they cannot be extended outside the declaration. But now you're saying the ability to edit them is important. What does that mean? Surely not that they can be extended (that would be a contradiction). Are they variables? (But then they are not constants).

In #19814 (comment) you are saying that enums could be implemented as 0-based array. This suggests that an enum declaration introduces a new type together with an ordered list of enum names which are 0-based constant indices into an array of enum values (for which space is reserved automatically). Is that what you mean? If so, why wouldn't it be sufficient to just declare a fixed size array and a list of constants indices to go with it? The array bounds check would automatically ensure that you can't "extend" the enum range, and iteration would be possible already.

What am I missing?

I'm confused: So iteration is not a primary motivator, fine.

I have my own reasons why I want enums, while also trying to take into account what others in this thread, including @bep and others, have expressed as necessary parts of the proposal.

That leaves at a minimum an enum declaration of enum values that are constants, and they cannot be extended outside the declaration. But now you're saying the ability to edit them is important. What does that mean? Surely not that they can be extended (that would be a contradiction). Are they variables? (But then they are not constants).

When I say to edit them, it is to @Merovius's point that they are open enums. Constants at build time, but not locked down forever.

In #19814 (comment) you are saying that enums could be implemented as 0-based array.

This is just me speculating beyond my paygrade as to how I imagine it might be implemented behind the scenes, based on your #19814 (comment) and @ianlancetaylor's #19814 (comment)

"Can we do limited arithmetic with enum values? For instance, in Pascal (in which I programmed once, way back when), it was surprisingly often necessary to iterate in steps > 1. And sometimes one wanted to compute the enum value."

I don't know how you would plan on doing that for any non-integer enum, hence my question about whether that arithmetic would require each member of the enum to be implicitly assigned an index based on the declaration order.

From an implementation perspective, it would be quite complex to support types whose default value was not all-bits-zero. There are no such types today. Requiring such a feature would have to count as a mark against this idea.

Again, I don't know how the compiler works, so I was just trying to continue the conversation. At the end of the day, I'm not trying to propose anything radical. Like you mentioned before, "This would match the classic approach languages have taken towards enums, pioneered some 45 years ago by Pascal", and that fits the bill.

To anyone else who has expressed interest, please feel free to chip in.

Another question is whether one can use these enums to index into arrays or slices. A slice is often a very efficient and compact way of representing an enum->value mapping and requiring a map would be unfortunate, I think.

@derekperkins Ok, I'm worried that puts us (or at least me) back to square one: What is the problem you're trying to solve? Do you simply want a nicer way to write what we currently do with constants and perhaps iota (and for which we use go generate to get string representations)? That is, some syntactic sugar for a notation that you (perhaps) find overly burdensome? (That's a fine answer, just trying to understand.)

You mentioned that you have your own reasons for wanting them, perhaps you can explain a bit more what those reasons are. The example you gave in the very beginning doesn't make much sense to me, but I am probably missing something.

As is stands, everybody has a little bit a different understanding of what this proposal ("enums") entails, as has become clear from the various responses: There's a huge range of possibilities between Pascal enums and Swift enums. Unless you (or somebody else) describes very clearly what is proposed (I'm not asking for an implementation, mind you), it will be difficult to make any meaningful progress or even just debate the merits of this proposal.

Does that make sense?

@griesemer It totally makes sense and I understand the bar to be passed that @rsc talked about at Gophercon. You obviously have a much deeper understanding than I ever will. In #21473, you mentioned that iota for vars wasn't implemented because there wasn't a compelling use case at the time. Is that the same reason that enum was not included from the beginning? I would be very interested to know your opinion on whether or not it would add value to Go, and if it would, where would you start the process?

@derekperkins Regarding your question in #19814 (comment): At the time (in Go's design) we were only considering relatively simple (say Pascal or C-style) enums. I don't recall all the details but there was certainly a feeling that there was not enough benefit for the extra machinery required for enums. We felt that they were essentially glorified constant declarations.

There are also problems with these traditional enums: It's possible to do arithmetic with them (they are just integers), but what does it mean if they go "out of (enum) range"? In Go they are just constants and "out of range" doesn't exists. Another one is iteration: In Pascal there were special built-in functions (I think SUCC and PRED) to advance the value of a variable of enum type forward and backward (in C one just does ++ or --). But the same issue appears here as well: What happens if one goes past the end (very common problem in a for loop ranging over enum values using ++ or the Pascal equivalent SUCC). Finally, an enum declaration introduces a new type, the elements of which are the enum values. These values have names (the ones defined in the enum declaration), but those names are (in Pascal, C) in the same scope as the type. This is a bit unsatisfying: When declaring two different enums, one would hope that one could use the same enum value name for each enum type without conflict, which is not possible. Of course Go doesn't solve that either, but a constant declaration also doesn't look like it's introducing a new name space. A nicer solution is to introduce a name space with each enumeration, but then each time an enum value is used, it needs to be qualified with the enum type name, which is annoying. Swift solves this by deducing the enum type where possible and then one can use the enum value name prefixed with a dot. But that's quite a bit of machinery. And finally, sometimes (often, in public APIs), one needs to extend an enum declaration. If that's not possible (you don't own the code), there's a problem. With constants, those problems don't exist.

There's probably more to it; this is just what comes to mind. In the end we decided that it was better to emulate enums in Go using the orthogonal tools we already had: custom integer types that make erroneous assignments less likely, and the iota mechanism (and ability leave away repeated initialization expressions) for the syntactic sugar.

Hence my questions: What are you looking to gain from specialized enum declarations that we can't adequately emulate in Go with little syntactic overhead? I can think of enumeration, and an enum type that cannot be extended outside the declaration. I can think of more abilities for enum values, as in Swift.

Enumeration could be solved easily with a go generator in Go. We already have a stringer. Restricting extension is problematic across API boundaries. More abilities for enum values (say as in Swift) seems very Go-unlike because it mixes a lot of orthogonal concepts. In Go, we would probably achieve that by using elementary building blocks.

@griesemer Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I don't disagree that they are basically glorified constant declarations. Having type safety in Go is great, and the main value that enum would provide to me personally is value safety. The way to mimic that in Go today is to run validation functions at every entrypoint for that variable. It's verbose and makes it easy to make mistakes, but is possible with the language as is today. I already namespace by prefixing the type name in front of the enum, which while verbose, isn't a big deal.

I personally dislike most uses for iota. While cool, most of the time my enum-like values map to external resources like a db or external api, and I prefer to be more explicit that the value should not be changed if you happen to reorder. iota also doesn't help for most of the places I would use an enum because I would be using a list of string values.

At the end of the day, I don't know how much more I can clarify this proposal. I would love if they were supported in whatever fashion made sense for Go. Regardless of the exact implementation, I would still be able to use them and they would make my code safer.

I think the canonical way Go does enums today (as seen in #19814 (comment)) is pretty close to correct.
There are a few drawbacks:

  1. They can't be iterated over
  2. They have no string representation
  3. Clients can introduce bogus enum values

I'm ok without #1.
go:generate + stringer can be used for #2. If that doesn't handle your use case, make the base type of your "enum" a string instead of an int, and use string constant values.
#3 is the hard one to handle with today's Go. I have a silly proposal that might handle this well.

Add an explicit keyword to a type definition. This keyword forbids conversions into this type except for conversions in const blocks in the package in which that type is defined. (Or restricted? Or maybe enum means explicit type?)

Reusing the example I referenced above,

//go:generate stringer -type=SearchRequest
explicit type SearchRequest int

const (
	Universal SearchRequest = iota

There are conversions from int to SearchRequest inside the const block. But only the package author can introduce a new SearchRequest value, and will be unlikely to introduce one accidentally (by passing an int to a function that expects a SearchRequest, for example).

I'm not really actively proposing this solution, but I think the don't-accidentally-construct-an-invalid-one is the salient property of enums that can't be captured in Go today (unless you go the struct with an unexported field route).

I think the interesting risk with enums is with untyped constants. People who write an explicit type conversion know what they are doing. I would be willing to consider a way for Go to forbid explicit type conversions under certain circumstances, but think that is entirely orthogonal to the notion of enum types. It is an idea applies to any kind of type.

But untyped constants can lead to accidentally and unexpectedly creating a value of the type, in a way that is not true of explicit type conversions. So I think that @randall77 's suggestion of explicit can be simplified to simply mean that untyped constants may not be implicitly converted to the type. An explicit type conversion is always required.

I would be willing to consider a way for Go to forbid explicit type conversions under certain circumstances

@ianlancetaylor Optionally disallowing type conversions, whether explicit or implicit, would solve the issues that caused me to create this proposal in the first place. Only the originating package would then be able to create and thus satisfy any types. That is even better than the enum solution in some ways because it not only supports const declarations, but any type.

@randall77, @ianlancetaylor How would make the explicit suggestion work together with the zero value of that type?

@derekperkins Disallowing type-conversions altogether will make it impossible to use these types in generic encoders/decoders, like the encoding/* packages.

@Merovius I think @ianlancetaylor suggests the restriction only for implicit conversions (e.g., assignment of an untyped constant to a restricted type). Explicit conversion would still be possible.

@griesemer I know :) But I understood @derekperkins to suggest differently.

Doesn't allowing explicit conversions undermine the very reason we're thinking about this "explicit" qualifier? If someone can decide to convert an arbitrary value to an "explicit" type, then we have no more guarantee that a given value is one of the enumerated constants than we do now.

I guess it does help for the casual or unintended use of untyped constants, which is perhaps the most important thing.

I suppose I'm questioning whether disallowing explicit conversions is in "the spirit of Go." Disallowing explicit conversions is taking a big step toward programming based on types rather than programming based on writing code. I think Go is taking a clear position in favor of the latter.

@griesemer @Merovius I'll repost the quote from @ianlancetaylor again, since it was his suggestion, not mine.

I would be willing to consider a way for Go to forbid explicit type conversions under certain circumstances

Both @rogpeppe and @Merovius bring up good points about the ramifications. Allowing explicit conversions but not implicit conversions doesn't solve the issue of guaranteeing valid types, but losing generic encoding would be a pretty big downside.

jorng commented

There has been a lot of back and forth here, but I think there has been some good ideas. Here is a summary what I'd like to see (or something similar), which seems to align with what some others have said. I openly admit I am not a language designer or compiler programmer, so I don't know how well it would work.

  1. Enums rooted in base types only (string, uint, int, rune, etc). If no base type is necessary, it could default to uint?
  2. All valid values of the enum must be declared with the type declaration -- Constants. Invalid (not declared in the type declaration) values cannot be converted into the enum type.
  3. Automatic string representation for debugging (nice to have).
  4. Compile-time checks for exhaustiveness in switch statements on the enum. Optionally recommend (via go vet?) a default case, even when already exhaustive (likely an error) for future changes.
  5. Zero value should essentially be invalid (not something in the enum declaration). I would personally like it to be nil, like a slice does.

That last one may be a bit controversial. And I don't know for sure if that would work, but I think it would fit in semantically -- much like one would check for a nil slice, one could put in checks for a nil enum value.

As for iteration, I don't really think I would ever use it, but I don't see the harm in it.

As an example of how it could be declared:

type MetadataBlockType enum[uint] {
    StreamInfo:    0
    Padding:       1
    Application:   2
    SeekTable:     3
    VorbisComment: 4
    CueSheet:      5
    Picture:       6

Also, the Swift style of inferring the type and using "dot syntax" would be nice, but definitely not necessary.

type EnumA int
const (
Unknown EnumA = iota

type EnumB int
const (
Unknown EnumB = iota

There 2 pieces of code can't exist in a single Go file, nor the same package, nor even one is import from another package.

Please just implement the C# way of implementing Enum:
type Days enum {Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri}
type Days enum[int] {Sat:1 , Sun, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri}
type Days enum[string] { Sat: "Saturay" , Sun:"Sunday" etc}

@KamyarM How is that better than

type Days int
const (
  Sat Days = 1+iota


type Days string
const (
  Sat Days = "Saturday"
  Sun      = "Sunday"

I'd like to kindly request to restrict comments to new approaches/arguments. A lot of people are subscribed to this thread and adding noise/repitition can be perceived as disrespectful of their time and attention. There is plenty of discussion up there ↑, including detailed answers to both of the previous comments. You won't agree with everything said and none of the sides might like the outcomes of that discussion so far - but simply ignoring it won't help moving it along in a productive direction either.

It is better because it does not have naming conflict issue. Also support compiler type checking. The approach you mentioned organized it better than nothing but the compiler doesn't restrict you on what you can assign to it. You can assign an integer that is not any of the days to an object of that type:
var a Days
a =10
compiler actually does nothing about it. So There is not much point to this kind of enum. other than it is better organized in IDEs like GoLand

I would like to see something like that

type WeekDay enum string {
  Monday "mon"
  Tuesday "tue"
  // etc...

Or with automatic iota usage:

// this assumes that iota automatically assigned to the first declared enum key
// and values have unsigned integer type
// value is positional, so if you decide to rename your key 
// you don't have to change everything in db
// also it is easy to grow your lists
type WeekDay enum {

This will provide simplicity and easiness in use:

func makeItWorkOn(day WeekDay) {
  // your implementation

Also, enum should have builtin method to validate value so we can validate something from user input:

if day in WeekDay {

And simple things like:

if day == WeekDay.Monday {
 // whatever

To be honest, my favorite syntax would be like this (KISS):

// type automatically inferred from values or `iota`
enum WeekDay {
  Monday "mon"
  Tuesday "tue"

@zoonman The last example doesn't follow the following principle of Go: a function declaration starts with func, a type declaration starts with type, a variable declaration starts with var, ...

@md2perpe I'm not trying to follow Go "type" principles, I'm writing code everyday and the only one principle I follow - keep things simple.
Than more code you have to write to follow principles then more time is wasted.
TBH I'm Go newbie but there are a lot of things I can criticize.
For example:

struct User {
  Id uint
  Email string

Is easier to write and understand than

type User struct {
  Id uint
  Email string

I can give you example where type should be used:

// this is terrible because it blows your mind off
// especially if you Go newbie
// this should not be allowed by compiler/linter:
w := map[string]interface{}{"type": 0, "connected": true}

// it has to be splitted into type definition
type WeirdJSON map[string]interface{}

// and used like
w := WeirdJSON{"type": 0, "connected": true}

I used to write code in Asm, C, C++, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, now Go. I saw all of that. This experience tells me that code must be laconic, easy to read and understand.

I make some machine learning project and need to parse MIDI file.
There i need to parse SMPTE timecode. I find quite hard to use idiomatic way with iota, but it don`t stop me)

const (
        SMTPE0 int8 = ((-24 - (1 + (iota - 1) * 3) % 6 * (iota - 1) / ((iota - 1) | 0x01)) - 10 * ((iota - 1) % 2) - 5 * (iota / 3 - iota / 4) ) * iota / (iota | 0x01)
const (
   _SMTPE0 int8 = 0 
   _SMTPE24 int8 = -24
   _SMTPE25 int8 = -25
   _SMTPE29 int8 = -29
   _SMTPE30 int8 = -30

Of course i may need some runtime check with defensive programming...

func IsSMTPE(status int8) bool {
    j := 4
    for i:= 0; i >= -30; i -= j % 6{
        if i == int(status){ 
            return true
    return status == 0


Enums make live of programmers in some case more simpler. Enums is just an instrument then you use it properly it may economy time and increse productivity. I think there is no problens to implement this in Go 2 like in c++, c# or other langs. This example is just a joke, but it cleary show the problem.

@streeter12 I don't see how your example "clearly shows the problem". How would enums make this code any better or safer?

There is C# class with implementation of same logic of enum.

 public enum SMTPE : sbyte
        SMTPE0 = 0,
        SMTPE24 = -24,
        SMTPE25 = -25,
        SMTPE29 = -29,
        SMTPE30 = -30

   public class TestClass
        public readonly SMTPE smtpe;

        public TestClass(SMTPE smtpe)
            this.smtpe = smtpe;

With compile time enums i can:

  1. Have no runtime checks.
  2. Significant reduce chance of error by team (you can`t pass wrong value in compile time).
  3. It does not contradict with iota concept.
  4. Easier to understand logic than you have one name for constants (it important then you constants represents some low level protocol values).
  5. You can make ToString() method analog to make simple representation of values. (CONNECTION_ERROR.NO_INTERNET is better then 0x12). I know about stringer, but there is no explicit code generation with enums.
  6. In some languages you can get array of values, range and etc..
  7. It`s simple to understand while reading code (no need calculations in head).

After all it just a tools to prevent some common human errors and save performance.

@streeter12 Thanks for clarifying what you meant. The only advantage over Go constants here is that one cannot introduce an invalid value because the type system will not accept any other value but one of the enum values. That's certainly nice to have but it also comes at a price: There's no way to extend this enum outside that code. External enum extension is one of the key reasons why in Go we decided against standard enums.

Answer just simple need to make some extensions dont use enums.
F.E need to make state machine use state pattern instead of enums.

Enums have their own scope. I complete some large projects without any enum. I think it's terrible architecture decision to extend enum outside definition code. You dont have control over that your colleague doing and it make some funny errors)

And you forgot human factor enums in many cases significhent reduce errors in large projects.

@streeter12 Unfortunately, the reality is that often enums need to be extended.

@griesemer extending an enum/sum type creates a separate and sometimes-incompatible type.

This is still true in Go even though there aren't explicit types for enums/sums. If you have an "enum type" in a package that expects values in {1, 2, 3} and you pass it a 4 from your "extended enum type" you've still violated the contract of the implicit "type".

If you need to extend an enum/sum you also need to create explicit To/From conversion functions that explicitly handle the sometimes-incompatible cases.

I think the disconnect between that argument and people for this proposal or similar proposals like #19412 is that we think it's weird that the trade off is "always write basic validation code the compiler could handle" instead of "sometimes write conversion functions that you're probably going to also have to write anyway".

That's not to say either side is right or wrong or that is the only trade off to consider, but I wanted to identify a bottleneck in communication between the sides that I've noticed.

I think the disconnect between that argument and people for this proposal or similar proposals like #19412 is that we think it's weird that the trade off is "always write basic validation code the compiler could handle" instead of "sometimes write conversion functions that you're probably going to also have to write anyway".

Very well stated

@jimmyfrasche That's not how I personally would describe the tradeoff. I would say it's "always write basic validation code the compiler could handle" vs. "add an entire new concept to the type system that everybody using Go needs to learn and understand."

Or, let me put it another way. As far as I can tell, the only significant features missing from Go's version of enumerated types is that there is no validation of assignment from untyped constants, there is no check on explicit conversions, and there is no check that all values were handled in a switch. It seems to me that those features are all independent of the notion of enumerated types. We shouldn't let the fact that other languages have enumerated types lead us to the conclusion that Go also needs enumerated types. Yes, enumerated types would give us those missing features. But is it really necessary to add an entirely new kind of type in order to get them? And is the increase in language complexity worth the benefits?

@ianlancetaylor Adding complexity to the language is certainly a valid thing to consider, and "because another language has it" is certainly not an argument. I, personally, don't think enum types are worth it on their own. (Their generalization, sum types, sure tick a lot of boxes for me, however).

A general way for a type to opt out of assignability would be nice, though I'm not sure how widely useful that would be outside of primitives.

I'm not sure how generalizable the concept of "check all values handled in a switch" is, without some way of letting the compiler know the complete list of legal values. Other than enum and sum types, the only thing I can think of is something like Ada's range types but those aren't naturally compatible with zero values unless 0 must be in the range or code's generated to handle offsets whenever they're converted or reflected upon. (Other languages have had similar families of types, some in the pascal family, but Ada's the only one that comes to mind at the moment)

Anyway, I was specifically referring to:

The only advantage over Go constants here is that one cannot introduce an invalid value because the type system will not accept any other value but one of the enum values. That's certainly nice to have but it also comes at a price: There's no way to extend this enum outside that code. External enum extension is one of the key reasons why in Go we decided against standard enums.


Unfortunately, the reality is that often enums need to be extended.

That argument doesn't work for me for the reasons I stated.

@jimmyfrasche Understood; it's a difficult problem. Which is why in Go we didn't try to solve it but instead only provided a mechanism to easily create sequences of constants w/o the need to repeat the constant value.

(Sent out delayed - was meant as response to #19814 (comment))

@griesemer indeed and it was definitely the right call for Go 1 but some of it is worth reevaluating for Go 2.

There's enough in the language to get almost everything one would want out of enum types. It requires more code than a type definition, but a generator could handle most of it and it lets you define as much or as little as fits the situation instead of just getting whatever powers come with an enum type.

This approach https://play.golang.org/p/7ud_3lrGfx gets you everything except

  1. safety within the defining package
  2. the ability to lint a switch for completeness

That approach can also be used for small, simple sum types† but it is more awkward to use, which is why I think something like #19412 (comment) would add to the language and it could be used by a code generator to create enum types that avoid problems 1 and 2.

† see https://play.golang.org/p/YFffpsvx5e for a sketch of json.Token with this construction

we think it's weird that the trade off is "always write basic validation code the compiler could handle" instead of "sometimes write conversion functions that you're probably going to also have to write anyway".

To me - a representative of the camp of fierce proponents of gradual repair - this seems like the correct(ish) tradeoff. Honestly, even if we're not talking about gradual repair I'd consider that a better mental model.

For one, type-checked enum will only ever be able to check values inserted into source code anyway. If the enum travels over a network, is persisted to disk or exchanged between processes, all bets are off (and most proposed usages of enums fall into this category). So you won't get around the problem of handling incompatibilities at runtime anyway. And there is no general one-size-fits-all default behavior for when you encounter an invalid enum-value. Often you might want to error out. Sometimes you might want to coerce it into a default-value. Most of the time you want to preserve it and pass it around, so that it doesn't get lost on re-serialization.

Of course you might argue that there should still be a trust-boundary, where the validity is checked and the required behavior is implemented - and everything inside that boundary should be able to trust that behavior. And the mental model seems to be, that this trust-boundary should be a process. Because all the code in a binary will be changed atomically and stay internally consistent. But that mental model gets eroded by the idea of gradual repair; suddenly, the natural trust-boundary becomes a package (or maybe repository) as the units that you apply your atomic repairs to and the unit that you trust to be self-consistent.

And, personally, I find that a very natural and great unit of self-consistency. A package should be just large enough to keep its semantics, rules and conventions in your head. Which is also why exports work at the package-level, not the type-level and why top-level declarations are scoped at the package-level, not the program-level. Seems fine and save enough to me, to decide the correct handling of unknown enum-values at the package-level too. Have an unexported function, that checks it and maintains the internally desired behavior.

I'd be much more on board with a proposal that every switch needs a default-case, than with a proposal to have type-checked enums including exhaustiveness-checks.

@Merovius The operating system process and the package are both trust boundaries, as you put it.

Information coming from out of process has to be validated at its ingress and unmarshaled into an appropriate representation for the process and appropriate care taken when that fails. That never goes away. I don't really see anything specific to sum/enum types there. You could say the same about structsβ€”sometimes you get extra fields or too few fields. Structs are still useful.

That being said, with enum type you are of course able to include cases specific for modelling these errors. For example

type FromTheNetwork enum {
  // pretend all the "valid" values are listed here
  Missing // the value was not included in the message
  Unknown // the value was not in the set of the valid values
  Error // there was an error attempting to read the value

and with sum types you can go further:

type FromTheNetwork pick {
  Missing struct{} // Not included in message
  Valid somepkg.TheSumBeingReceived // Include valid states with composition
  Unknown []byte // Raw bytes of unknown value received
  Error error // The error from attempting to read the value

(The former isn't as useful unless it is held in a struct with fields specific to the error cases, but then the validity of those fields depend on the value of the enum. The sum type takes care of that as it is essentially a struct that can only have one field set at a time.)

At the package level, you still need to handle high level validation, but the low level validation comes with the type. I'd say reducing the domain of the type helps keep the package small and in your head. It also makes the intent clearer to tooling so that your editor could write out all the case X: lines and leave you to fill in the actual code or a linter could be used to make sure all code is checking all cases (you talked me out of having the exhaustiveness in the compiler earlier).

I don't really see anything specific to sum/enum types there. You could say the same about structsβ€”sometimes you get extra fields or too few fields. Structs are still useful.

If we are talking about open enums (like the ones currently consturcted by iota), then, sure. If we are talking about closed enums (which is what people usually talk about, when they talk about enums) or enums with exhaustiveness-checks, then they certainly are special. Because they are not extensible.

The analogy with structs explains this rather perfectly: The Go 1 compatibility promise excludes unkeyed struct literals from any promise - and thus, using keyed struct literals has been a practice considered so strongly as "best", that go vet has a check for it. The reason is exactly the same: If you are using unkeyed struct literals, structs are no longer extensible.

So, yes. Structs are exactly like enums in this regard. And we have agreed as a community that it's preferable to use them in an extensible manner.

That being said, with enum type you are of course able to include cases specific for modelling these errors.

Your example only covers the process-boundary (by talking about network-errors), not the package-boundary. How will packages behave, if I add a "InvalidInternalState" (to make something up) to FromTheNetwork? Do I have to fix their switches before they compile again? Then it's not extensible in the gradual repair model. Do they require a default-case to compile in the first place? Then there doesn't seem to be any point to enums.

Again, having open enums is a different question. I'd be on board with things like

I'd say reducing the domain of the type helps keep the package small and in your head. It also makes the intent clearer to tooling so that your editor could write out all the case X: lines and leave you to fill in the actual code or a linter could be used to make sure all code is checking all cases

But for that we don't need actual enums, as types. Such a linting tool could also heuristically check for const-declarations using iota, where every case is of a given type and consider that "an enum" and perform the checks you want. I'd be completely on board with a tool using these "enums by convention" to help autocompletion or linting that every switch needs to have a default or even that every (known) case must be checked. I'd even be not-opposed to adding an enum-keyword that behaves mostly like that; i.e. an enum is open (can take any integer value), gives you the extra scoping and requires to have a default in any switch (I don't think they'd add enough over iota-enums for the added costs, but at least they wouldn't harm my agenda). If that's what's proposed - fine. But it doesn't seem to be what the majority of supporters of this proposal (certainly not the initial text) mean.

We can disagree about the importance of keeping gradual repair and extensibility possible - for example, a lot of people believe that semantic versioning is a better solution to the problems it solves. But if you find them important, it is perfectly valid and reasonable to see enums as either harmful or pointless. And that was the question I was replying to: How people can reasonably make the tradeoff of requiring a check everywhere, instead of having it in the compiler. Answer: By valuing extensibility and evolution of APIs, which makes these checks necessary at the usage-site anyway.

From time to time opponents of enum said they are not expandable, we still need checks after serialization/transition, we can break back compatibility etc.

The main problem that this is not enum problems it is your develop and artitecture problems.
You try to give an example where using of enums are ridiculous, but let's consider some situations in more detail.

Example 1. I am low level developer and, i need const for some registers adress, established low level protocol values etc. At now in Go i got only one solution:is to use consts without iota, becose in many cases it would be ugly. I can get several constants block for one package and after press . i got all 20 constants and if they have same type and similar names i can make errors. If project is big you will got this error. To prevent this with defensive programming,TDD we must offen duplicate check code (duplicate code = duplicate errors/tests in any case). With the use of transfers we do not have similar problems and values will never changed in this case (try to find situation when registers adresses will cahnged in production:)). We still sometimes check is value what we get from file/net of etc. is in range, but there no probles to make this centrolized (see c# Enum.TryParse for example). With enums i save develope time and performance in this case.

Example 2. I developing some small module with state/errors logic. If i make enum private, no one ever know about this enum, and you can change/extense it without problems with all benefits from 1. If you based your code on some private logic, something went completely wrong on your develop.

Example 3. I developing often changed and extensible module for a wide range of applications. It be strange solution to use enums, or any other constants for determine public logic/interface. If you add new enum number on client-server arhitecture you can crash, but with constants you can get unpredictable state of model, and even save it to disk. I offen prefere crash over unpredictable state. This shows us, that back copability/extension problem is problem of our develops not enums. If your understand what enums is not sutable in this case just dont use them. I think we have enough competence to choose.

Main difference between consts and compile time enum on my opinion is that enums has two main contracts.

  1. Naming contract.
  2. Values contract.
    All the arguments for and against this paragraph were considered before.
    If your use contract programming you easly can undestand benefits of this.

Enums how many other things have their disadvantages.
F.e it can`t be changed without brake copabylity. But if your know O from SOLID principles this applies not only to enum but also to development in general. Someone can say, i make my program with parrallel logic and mutable structs ugly. Let's forbid mutable structures? Instead of this we can add mutable/no mutable structs and let developers to choose.

After all that has been said, I want to note that Iota also has its disadvantages.

  1. It always has int type,
  2. You need calculate values in head. You can lost many time try to calculate values, and chek that it is ok.
    With enums/const i can just press F12 ans see all values.
  3. Iota expression is code expression you also need to test this.
    In some projects i completely refused using iota for these reasons.

You try to give an example where using of enums are ridiculous

Excuse my bluntness, but after this comment I don't think you have a lot of ground to stand on here.

And I wasn't even doing what you say - that is, giing an example of where using enums is ridiculous. I took an example that was supposed to show how they are necessary, and illustrate how they hurt.

We can reasonably disagree, but we should at least all argue in good faith.

Example 1

I might give you "register names" as something that truly is not changeable, but in regards to protocol values, I am adamant that the position of having them take arbitrary values for extensibility and compatibility is reasonable. Again, proto2 -> proto3 contained exactly that change and it did so from learned experience.

And either way, I don't see why a linter wouldn't be able to catch this.

i got all 20 constants and if they have same type and similar names i can make errors. If project is big you will got this error.

If you are mistyping names, having closed enums won't help you. Only if you don't use the symbolic names and use int/string-literals instead.

Example 2

Personally, I tend to put "single package" firmly on the line of "not a large project". Thus, I consider it far less likely that you forget a case or to change a code location, when extending an enum.

And either way, I don't see why a linter wouldn't be able to catch this.

Example 3

That is the most common use-case presented for enums, though. Case in point: This specific issue uses them as a justification. Another case that is often mentioned are syscalls - a client-server architecture in disguise. The generalization of this example is "any code where two or more independently developed components exchange such values", which is incredibly broad, covers the vast majority of use-cases for them and, under the gradual-repair-model, also any exported API.

FTR, I'm still not trying to convince anyone that enums are harmful (I'm sure I won't). Just to explain how I came to the conclusion that they are and why I find the arguments in their favor unconvincing.

It always has int type,

iota may (not necessarily, but whatever), but const blocks don't, they can have a variety of constant types - in fact, a superset of most commonly proposed enum implementations.

You need calculate values in head.

Again, you can not use this as an argument in favor of enums; you can write out the constants just as you can in an enum-declaration.

Iota expression is code expression you also need to test this.

Not every expression has to be tested. If it is immediately obvious, testing is overkill. If it isn't, write down the constants, you'd do that in a test anyway.

iota isn't the currently recommended way to do enums in Go - const declarations are. iota only serves as a more general way of saving typing when writing down consecutive or formulaic const declarations.

And yes, the open enums of Go have drawbacks, obviously. They've been mentioned above, extensively: You may forget a case in a switch, leading to bugs. They don't namespace. You might accidentally use a non-symbolic constant that ends up being an invalid value (leading to bugs).
But it seems more productive to me, to talk about these downsides and measure them against the downsides of any proposed solution, than to take a fixed solution (enum type) and argue about its specific tradeoffs solve the problems.

To me, most of the downsides can be mostly solved pragmatically in the current language, with a linter-tool detecting const-declarations of a certain kind and check their usages. Namespacing can't be solved this way, which isn't great. But there may be a different solution to that problem, than enums, too.

I might give you "register names" as something that truly is not changeable, but in regards to protocol values, I am adamant that the position of having them take arbitrary values for extensibility and compatibility is reasonable. Again, proto2 -> proto3 contained exactly that change and it did so from learned experience.

This why i said established values. F.e wav format base dont changed for many years and get great back capability. If it where new values you can stay use enums and add some values.

If you are mistyping names, having closed enums won't help you. Only if you don't use the symbolic names and use int/string-literals instead.

Yes it dont help me to make good names, but they can help to organise some values with one name. It make develop process faster in some cases. It can reduce number of variants with autotyping to one.

That is the most common use-case presented for enums, though. Case in point: This specific issue uses them as a justification. Another case that is often mentioned are syscalls - a client-server architecture in disguise. The generalization of this example is "any code where two or more independently developed components exchange such values", which is incredibly broad, covers the vast majority of use-cases for them and, under the gradual-repair-model, also any exported API.

But using/not using constants/enums dont remove the core of problem, you still need think about back copability. I want to say that the problem is not in enums/consts but in our using cases.

Personally, I tend to put "single package" firmly on the line of "not a large project". Thus, I consider it far less likely that you forget a case or to change a code location, when extending an enum.

In this case you still have benefits of name convetion and compile time check,

Not every expression has to be tested. If it is immediately obvious, testing is overkill. If it isn't, write down the constants, you'd do that in a test anyway.

Ofcouse i understand that no all line of code must be tested, but if you have precedent you must test this or rewrite. I know how to make this without iota, but my old example is just a joke.

Again, you can not use this as an argument in favor of enums; you can write out the constants just as you can in an enum-declaration.

It is not argument for enums.


If we are talking about closed enums (which is what people usually talk about, when they talk about enums) or enums with exhaustiveness-checks, then they certainly are special. Because they are not extensible.

Nor are they safely extensible.

If you have

package p
type Enum int
const (
  A Enum = iota
func Make() Enum {...}
func Take(Enum) {...}


package q
import "p"
const D enum = p.C + 1

within q it is safe to use D (unless the next version of p adds its own label for Enum(3)) but only as long as you never ever pass it back to p: You can take the result of p.Make and transition its state to D but if you call p.Take you have to make sure it's not being passed q.D AND it has to ensure it only gets one of A, B, C or you have a bug. You can work around this by doing

package q
import "p"
type Enum int
const (
	A = p.A
	B = p.B
	C = p.C
	D = C + 1
// needs to return an error if passed D or an unknown state of Enum
func To(Enum) (p.Enum, error) {...}
// needs to return an error if p.Enum has a value not known to the author
// at the time this package was written.
func From(p.Enum) (Enum, error) {...}

With or without a closed type in the language you have all the issues of having a closed type but without the compiler watching out for you.

Your example only covers the process-boundary (by talking about network-errors), not the package-boundary. How will packages behave, if I add a "InvalidInternalState" (to make something up) to FromTheNetwork? Do I have to fix their switches before they compile again? Then it's not extensible in the gradual repair model. Do they require a default-case to compile in the first place? Then there doesn't seem to be any point to enums.

With just enum types you'd still have to do like the above and define your own version with the extra state and write conversion functions.

However, sum types are composable even when used as enums, so you can "extend" one quite naturally and safely in this manner. I gave an example, but to be more explicit, given

package p
type Enum pick {
  A, B, C struct{}

Enum can be "extended" with

package q
import "p"
type Enum pick {
  P p.Enum
  D struct{}

and this time it's completely safe for a new version of p to add D. The only downside is that you have to double-switch to get to the state of a p.Enum from inside a q.Enum but it's explicit and clear and, as I mentioned, your editor could spit the skeleton of the switches out automatically.

But for that we don't need actual enums, as types. Such a linting tool could also heuristically check for const-declarations using iota, where every case is of a given type and consider that "an enum" and perform the checks you want. I'd be completely on board with a tool using these "enums by convention" to help autocompletion or linting that every switch needs to have a default or even that every (known) case must be checked.

There are two problems with this.

If you have a defined integral type with lables given to a subset of its domain via const/iota:

One, it can represent a closed or open enum. While mostly used to simulate a closed type, it could also be used simply to give names to commonly used values. Consider an open enum for an imaginary file format:

const (
  //Name is the ID of a record field
  Name Record = iota
  //EmpID is the ID of an employee ID field
  //Intermediate values are reserved for future versions

  //Custom is the base of custom fields. Any custom field must have a unique ID greater than Custom.
  Custom Record = 42

This is not saying that 0, 1, and 42 are the domain of the Record type. The contract is much more subtle and would require dependent types to model. (That would definitely be going too far!)

Two, we could heuristically assume that a defined integral type with constant labels means that the domain is restricted. It would get a false positive from the above, but nothing's perfect. We could use go/types to extract this pseudo-type from the definitions and then go through and find all switches over values of that type and make sure that they all contain the necessary labels. This may be helpful, but we have not shown exhaustiveness at this point. We have ensured coverage of all valid values but not proved that no invalid values have been created. Doing so is not possible. Even if we could find every source, sink, and transformation of values and abstractly interpret them to gurantee statically that no invalid value was created, we still wouldn't be able to say anything about the value at runtime as reflect is unaware of the true domain of the type since it's not encoded in the type system.

There's an alternative to enum and sum types here that gets around this, though it has its own issues.

Let's say the type literal range m n creates an integral type that is at least m and at most n (For all v, m ≀ v ≀ n). With that we could limit the domain of the enum, like

package p
type Enum range 0 2
const (
  A Enum = iota

Since the size of the domain = the number of labels, it is possible to lint with 100% confidence whether a switch statement exhausts all possibilities. To extend that enum externally, you would absolutely need to create type conversion functions to handle the mapping, but I still maintain that you need to do that anyway.

Of course, that's actually a surprisingly subtle family of types to implement and would not play that well with the rest of Go. It also doesn't have a lot of uses outside of this and some niche use cases.

We can disagree about the importance of keeping gradual repair and extensibility possible - for example, a lot of people believe that semantic versioning is a better solution to the problems it solves. But if you find them important, it is perfectly valid and reasonable to see enums as either harmful or pointless. And that was the question I was replying to: How people can reasonably make the tradeoff of requiring a check everywhere, instead of having it in the compiler. Answer: By valuing extensibility and evolution of APIs, which makes these checks necessary at the usage-site anyway.

For basic enum types, I agree. At the start of this discussion, I would have simply been unhappy if they were chosen over sum types, but now I understand why they would be harmful. Thanks to you and @griesemer for clarifying that for me.

For sum types, I think what you said is a valid reason to not require switches be exhaustive at compile time. I still think that closed types have a number of benefits and that of the three examined here, sum types are the most flexible without the downsides of the others. They allow a type to be closed without inhibiting extensibility or gradual repair while avoiding errors caused by illegal values, like any good type does.

The main reason I use golang over python and javascript and other common typeless languages is the type safety. I did a lot with Java and one thing I miss in golang that Java provides is safe enums.

I would disagree to be able to differentiate the types with enums. If you need ints, just stick to ints instead, like Java does. If you need safe enums, I would suggest following syntax.

type enums enum { foo, bar, baz }