
Upload YouTube videos with caption through machines.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Upload YouTube videos with caption through machines.

Do you want to:

Sample: "Pixelsphere OST (2017)".



  1. Download for your OS from releases.
  2. Extract it to a directory and add the directory to PATH.

get client id

  1. Create an account on Google Cloud Platform.
  2. Create a new project, and select it.
  3. Enable YouTube Data API for the project.
  4. Add credentials to your project.
  5. Which API are you using? YouTube Data API v3.
  6. Where will you be calling the API from? Web server.
  7. What data will you be accessing? User data.
  8. Select What credentials do I need?.
  9. Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID.
  10. Name: youtubeuploader (your choice).
  11. Authorized JavaScript origins: http://localhost:8080.
  12. Authorized redirect URIs: http://localhost:8080/oauth2callback.
  13. Select Create OAuth client ID.
  14. Set up the OAuth 2.0 consent screen.
  15. Email address: (it should be correct).
  16. Product name shown to users: youtubeuploader (your choice).
  17. Select Continue.
  18. Download credentials.
  19. Select Download, then Done.
  20. Copy downloaded file (client_id.json) to a directory.

get client token

  1. Open console in the above directory.
  2. Run youtubeuploader -v client_id.json.
  3. OAuth page will be opened in browser.
  4. Choose an account, videos will be uploaded here.
  5. youtubeuploader wants to access your Google Account.
  6. Select Allow, and close browser window.
  7. client_token.json should be created.

set environment variables

  1. Copy path of client_id.json.
  2. Set environment variable YOUTUBEUPLOADER_CLIENT_ID to it.
  3. Copy path of client_token.json.
  4. Set environment variable YOUTUBEUPLOADER_CLIENT_TOKEN to it.
  5. Now you can use youtubeuploader from any directory.

On Windows, use RapidEE to set environment variable.

# on linux or macos console
export YOUTUBEUPLOADER_CLIENT_ID="[PATH TO client_id.json]"
export YOUTUBEUPLOADER_CLIENT_TOKEN="[PATH TO client_token.json]"

# on windows powershell


youtubeuploader -v video.mp4
# video.mp4 uploaded (yay!)

youtubeuploader -v video.mkv -ot "Me at the zoo" -od "The first video on YouTube..."
# video.mkv uploaded with title and description

youtubeuploader -v video.mp4 -op public -l
# video.mp4 uploaded as public video (log enabled)

youtubeuploader -ot "Me at the zoo"
# get video id from title

youtubeuploader -i "jNQXAC9IVRw" -ot "Elephants at zoo"
# update video title "Me at the zoo" -> "Elephants at zoo"

youtubeuploader -i "jNQXAC9IVRw" -c "odia.txt" -ol "or"
# upload odia captions for the video


youtubeuploader [options]
# --help:    show help
# --version: show version
# -l, --log:       enable log
# -i, --id:        set video id (for update)
# -v, --video:     set input video file/URL
# -t, --thumbnail: set input thumbnail file/URL
# -c, --caption:   set input caption file/URL
# -m, --meta:      set input meta file
# -d, --descriptionpath: set input description file
# -ci, --client_id:      set client id credentials path (client_id.json)
# -ct, --client_token:   set client token credentials path (client_token.json)
# -ot, --title:          set title (video)
# -od, --description:    set description (video)
# -ok, --tags:           set tags/keywords
# -ol, --language:       set language (en)
# -oc, --category:       set category (people and blogs)
# -op, --privacystatus:  set privacy status (private)
# -oe, --embeddable:     enable to be embeddable
# -ol, --license:        set license (standard)
# -os, --publicstatsviewable:  enable public stats to be viewable
# -opa, --publishat:           set publish time
# -ord, --recordingdate:       set recording date
# -opi, --playlistids:         set playlist ids
# -opt, --playlisttitles:      set playlist titles
# -ola, --location_latitude:   set latitude coordinate
# -olo, --location_longitude:  set longitude coordinate
# -old, --locationdescription: set location description
# -uc, --upload_chunk:  set upload chunk size in bytes
# -ur, --upload_rate:   set upload rate limit in kbps (no limit)
# -ut, --upload_time:   set upload time limit ex- "10:00-14:00"
# -ap, --auth_port:     set OAuth request port (8080)
# -ah, --auth_headless: enable browserless OAuth process

# Environment variables:
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_LOG       # enable log (0)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_VIDEO     # set input video file
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_THUMBNAIL # set input thumbnail file
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_CAPTION   # set input caption file
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_META      # set input meta file
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_DESCRIPTIONPATH # set input description file
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_CLIENT_ID       # set client id credentials path (client_id.json)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_CLIENT_TOKEN    # set client token credentials path (client_token.json)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_TITLE           # set title (file)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_DESCRIPTION     # set description (file)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_TAGS            # set tags/keywords
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_LANGUAGE        # set language (en)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_CATEGORY        # set category id (22)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_PRIVACYSTATUS   # set privacy (private)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_EMBEDDABLE      # enable to be embeddable (0)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_LICENSE         # set license (standard)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_PUBLICSTATSVIEWABLE # enable public stats to be viewable (0)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_PUBLISHAT           # set publish time
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_RECORDINGDATE       # set recording date
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_PLAYLISTIDS         # set playlist ids
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_PLAYLISTTITLES      # set playlist titles
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_LOCATION_LATITUDE   # set latitude coordinate
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_UPLOAD_CHUNK  # set upload chunk size in bytes
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_UPLOAD_RATE   # set upload rate limit in kbps (no limit)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_UPLOAD_TIME   # set upload time limit ex- "10:00-14:00"
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_AUTH_PORT     # set OAuth request port (8080)
$YOUTUBEUPLOADER_AUTH_HEADLESS # enable browserless OAuth process (0)
// META file (.json)
// - specified using -m/--meta
// - all fields are optional
  "title": "How Risky Is The Stock Market?",
  "description": "Have you ever thought about investing ...",
  "tags": ["stock marketing", "risk management"],
  "privacyStatus": "public",
  "embeddable": true,
  "license": "creativeCommon",
  "publicStatsViewable": true,
  "publishAt": "2017-06-01T12:05:00+02:00",
  "categoryId": "10",
  "recordingdate": "2017-05-21",
  "location": {
    "latitude": 48.8584,
    "longitude": 2.2945
  "locationDescription":  "Bombay Stock Exchange",
  "playlistIds":  ["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"],
  "playlistTitles":  ["my test playlist"],
  "language":  "en"


Do you need anything similar?

Suggestions are welcome. Please create an issue.


This fork adds additional features: title search, video content update.
Most of the original code is developed by porjo. Please thank him.
Thanks to youtube-upload for insight into how to update playlists.
Based on Go Youtube API Sample code.