
Here summary of the code explained in points:

  1. Imports: The code imports necessary modules including requests for making HTTP requests, csv for handling CSV files, and logging for logging messages.

  2. Logging Configuration: It configures logging to log messages at the INFO level, allowing INFO level messages and higher to be captured and logged.

  3. Fetching Data: The fetch_data function is defined to fetch JSON data from a given URL using the requests.get() method. It handles exceptions if the request fails and logs appropriate error messages.

  4. Get Country Name: The get_country_name function retrieves the country name from a given country code by iterating through a list of countries data and matching the code.

  5. Processing Laureates Data: The process_laureates_data function processes laureates data, extracting required information such as ID, name, date of birth, unique prize years, unique prize categories, gender, and country name for each laureate. It utilizes the get_country_name function to get the country name.

  6. Writing to CSV: The write_to_csv function writes the processed data to a CSV file. It opens the file for writing, initializes a csv.DictWriter object with fieldnames, writes the header, and iterates through the data, writing each row to the CSV file. It logs success or failure messages accordingly.

  7. Main Function: The main function specifies URLs for laureates and countries data, fetches the data, processes it, and writes to a CSV file if both data fetches are successful. It logs an error message if any data fetch fails. Finally, it calls the main function when the script is executed directly.