
cobaltstrike的相关资源汇总 / List of Awesome CobaltStrike Resources

Awesome CobaltStrike Awesome CobaltStrike Awesome community

0x00 前言

  1. 一部分是近期做RedTeam项目的时候看到的一些关于CobaltStrike不错的文章
  2. 目前网上的Aggressor Script种类繁多,大多数资源的聚合都是只给出对应的链接,而不说明是干什么的,以至于在查看时不知道如何选择,要一个一个打开看
  3. 关于新特性BOF资源的整合
  4. 解决要用的时候找不到合适aggressor script或者BOF的问题
  5. 如果有本repo没有涉及的优质内容,欢迎大家提交pr

0x01 相关文章合集


  1. Cobalt_Strike_wiki
  2. CobaltStrike4.0笔记
  3. CobaltStrike相关网络文章集合


  1. IntelliJ-IDEA修改cobaltstrike
  2. CobaltStrike二次开发环境准备
  3. Cobal Strike 自定义OneLiner
  4. 通过反射DLL注入来构建后渗透模块(第一课)
  5. Cobalt Strike Aggressor Script (第一课)
  6. Cobalt Strike Aggressor Script (第二课)


  1. Cobalt Strike Spear Phish
  2. run CS in win -- teamserver.bat
  3. Remote NTLM relaying through CS -- related to CVE_2018_8581
  4. CobaltStrike证书修改躲避流量审查
  5. 渗透神器CS3.14搭建使用及流量分析
  6. CobaltStrike生成免杀shellcode
  7. CS-notes--一系列CS的使用技巧笔记


  1. Volatility Plugin for Detecting Cobalt Strike Beacon. blog|Toolset
  2. 逆向分析Cobalt Strike安装后门
  3. 分析cobaltstrike c2 协议
  4. Small tool to decrypt a Cobalt Strike auth file

0x02 C2 Profiles

Type Name Description Popularity Language
ALL Malleable-C2-Profiles Official Malleable C2 Profiles
ALL Malleable-C2-Randomizer This script randomizes Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 profiles through the use of a metalanguage
ALL malleable-c2 Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 Design and Reference Guide
ALL C2concealer C2concealer is a command line tool that generates randomized C2 malleable profiles for use in Cobalt Strike.

0x03 BOF

Type Name Description Popularity Language
ALL BOF_Collection Various Cobalt Strike BOFs
ALL Situational Awareness BOF Its larger goal is providing a code example and workflow for others to begin making more BOF files. Blog
ALL QueueUserAPC_PPID BOF spawns a process of your choice under a specified parent, and injects a provided shellcode file via QueueUserAPC().

0x04 Aggressor Script

Type Name Description Popularity Language
BypassAV BypassAV 用于快速生成免杀的可执行文件
BypassAV scrun BypassAV ShellCode Loader (Cobaltstrike/Metasploit) Useage
BypassAV beacon-c2-go beacon-c2-go (Cobaltstrike/Metasploit)
BypassAV C--Shellcode python ShellCode Loader (Cobaltstrike&Metasploit) Useage
Recon red-team-scripts perform some rudimentary Windows host enumeration with Beacon built-in commands
Recon aggressor-powerview All functions listed in the PowerView about page are included in this with all arguments for each function. PowerView
Recon PowerView3-Aggressor PowerView Aggressor Script for CobaltStrike PowerView
Recon AggressorScripts Sharphound-Aggressor- A user menu for the SharpHound ingestor
Recon ServerScan 内网横向信息收集的高并发网络扫描、服务探测工具。
Exploit XSS-Fishing2-CS 鱼儿在cs上线后自动收杆 / Automatically stop fishing in javascript after the fish is hooked
Exploit XSS-Phishing xss钓鱼,cna插件配合php后端收杆
Exploit custom_payload_generator CobaltStrike3.0+ --> creates various payloads for Cobalt Strike's Beacon. Current payload formats
Exploit CrossC2 CrossC2 framework - Generator CobaltStrike's cross-platform beacon
Exploit GECC Go External C2 Client implementation for cobalt strike.
Exploit Cobaltstrike-MS17-010 ms17-010 exploit tool and scanner.
Exploit AES-PowerShellCode Standalone version of my AES Powershell payload for Cobalt Strike.
Exploit SweetPotato_CS CobaltStrike4.x --> SweetPotato
Exploit ElevateKit privilege escalation exploits
Exploit CVE-2018-4878 CVE-2018-4878
Exploit Aggressor-Scripts The only current public is UACBypass, whose readme can be found inside its associated folder.
Exploit CVE_2020_0796_CNA 基于ReflectiveDLLInjection实现的本地提权漏洞
Exploit DDEAutoCS setup our stage(d) Web Delivery attack
Exploit geacon Implement CobaltStrike's Beacon in Go (can be used in Linux)
Persistence persistence-aggressor-script persistence-aggressor-script
Persistence Peinject_dll 弃用winexec函数,使用shellexecute函数,程序流不在卡顿,达到真正的无感。
Persistence TikiTorch TikiTorch follows the same concept(CACTUSTORCH) but has multiple types of process injection available, which can be specified by the user at compile time.
Persistence CACTUSTORCH A JavaScript and VBScript shellcode launcher. This will spawn a 32 bit version of the binary specified and inject shellcode into it.
Persistence UploadAndRunFrp 上传frpc并且运行frpc
Persistence persistence-aggressor-script Persistence Aggressor Script
Auxiliary Cobaltstrike-atexec 利用任务计划进行横向,需要与135端口、445端口进行通信
Auxiliary SharpCompile SharpCompile is an aggressor script for Cobalt Strike which allows you to compile and execute C# in realtime.
Auxiliary Quickrundown Utilizing QRD will allow an operator to quickly characterize what processes are both known and unknown on a host through the use of colors and notes about the processes displayed.
Auxiliary Phant0m_cobaltstrike This script walks thread stacks of Event Log Service process (spesific svchost.exe) and identify Event Log Threads to kill Event Log Service Threads. So the system will not be able to collect logs and at the same time the Event Log Service will appear to be running.
Auxiliary NoPowerShell NoPowerShell is a tool implemented in C# which supports executing PowerShell-like commands while remaining invisible to any PowerShell logging mechanisms.
Auxiliary EventLogMaster RDP EventLog Master
Auxiliary ANGRYPUPPY Bloodhound Attack Path Execution for Cobalt Strike
Auxiliary CobaltStrike_Script_Wechat_Push 上线微信提醒的插件,通过微信Server酱提醒
Auxiliary CS-Aggressor-Scripts slack and webhooks reminder
Auxiliary Aggressor-Scripts surveying of powershell on targets (在对应的目标上检测powershell的相关信息)
Auxiliary cs-magik Implements an events channel and job queue using Redis for Cobalt Strike.
Auxiliary AggressorScripts 查看进程的时候讲av进程标注为红色
Auxiliary Raven CobaltStrike External C2 for Websockets
Auxiliary CobaltStrikeParser Python parser for CobaltStrike Beacon's configuration
Auxiliary fakelogonscreen FakeLogonScreen is a utility to fake the Windows logon screen in order to obtain the user's password.
Auxiliary SyncDog Make bloodhound sync with cobaltstrike.
Synthesis Erebus CobaltStrike4.x --> Erebus CobaltStrike后渗透测试插件
Synthesis Cobalt-Strike-Aggressor-Scripts CobaltStrike后渗透测试插件集合 Usage
Synthesis AggressorScripts Aggressor scripts for use with Cobalt Strike 3.0+
Synthesis RedTeamTools RedTeamTools for use with Cobalt Strike
Synthesis cobalt-arsenal Aggressor Scripts for Cobalt Strike 4.0+
Synthesis MoveKit The aggressor script handles payload creation by reading the template files for a specific execution type. intro
Synthesis StayKit The aggressor script handles payload creation by reading the template files for a specific execution type. intro
Synthesis AggressorScripts AggressorScripts
Synthesis AggressorScripts Collection of Aggressor scripts for Cobalt Strike 3.0+ pulled from multiple sources
Synthesis AggressorScripts AggressorScripts
Synthesis Aggressor-VYSEC Contains a bunch of CobaltStrike Aggressor Scripts
Synthesis AggressorAssessor AggressorAssessor
Synthesis AggressorAssessor AggressorAssessor
Synthesis aggressor-scripts Collection of Cobalt Strike Aggressor Scripts
Synthesis Aggressor-scripts This is just a random collection of Aggressor Scripts I've written for Cobalt Strike 3.x. (其中有一个debug脚本比较好用)
Synthesis Aggressor-Script Collection of Aggressor Scripts for Cobalt Strike(主要包含了提权和权限维持脚本)
Synthesis Aggressor-Script Aggressor Script, Kit, Malleable C2 Profiles, External C2 and so on
Synthesis aggressor_scripts_collection Collection of various aggressor scripts for Cobalt Strike from awesome people. Will be sure to update this repo with credit to each person.
Synthesis CobaltStrike-ToolKit googlesearch.profile and script related to AD.
Synthesis Arsenal Cobalt Strike 3.13 Arsenal Kit
Synthesis cobalt-arsenal My collection of battle-tested Aggressor Scripts for Cobalt Strike 4.0+
Synthesis aggressor_scripts code execution via DCOM;the privilege escalation techniques included in ElevateKit;etc.
Synthesis aggressor_scripts code execution via DCOM;the privilege escalation techniques included in ElevateKit;etc.
Synthesis aggressor creating tunnels with netsh; changed default to bit.ly redirect to mcdonalds;using powershell to kill parent process;
Synthesis CobaltStrikeCNA A collection of scripts - from various sources - see script for more info.
Synthesis AggressorScripts Highlights selected processes from the ps command in beacon;Loads various aliases into beacon;sets a few defaults for scripts to be used later..
Synthesis AggressorAssessor 从C2生成到横向移动的全辅助脚本套件
Synthesis AggressorCollection Collection of awesome Cobalt Strike Aggressor Scripts. All credit due to the authors
Synthesis Cobaltstrike-Aggressor-Scripts-Collection The collection of tested cobaltstrike aggressor scripts.
Synthesis aggressorScripts CobaltStrike AggressorScripts for the lazy

0x05 Related Tools

Type Name Description Popularity Language
AntiCS cobaltstrike_brute Cobalt Strike Team Server Password Brute Forcer
Auxiliary redshell An interactive command prompt that executes commands through proxychains and automatically logs them on a Cobalt Strike team server.
Synthesis redi Automated script for setting up CobaltStrike redirectors (nginx reverse proxy, letsencrypt)

0x06 Source Code

Type Name Description Popularity Language
Source cobalt-strike-source Cobalt Strike 3.12 Source Code (Decompiled and Fixed)