G2i React Web Test - Trivia App

A simple quiz app with 10 questions, which are should be answered with true or false


  • Node.js >= 16.14.0

Technologies Used

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • React Query (also for a state manager)
  • React Context (for a state manager)
  • React Bootstrap / Bootstrap
  • Jest / React Testing Library
  • ESLint with Prettier (also Husky)

How to Install

  • Install node_modules
    npm install
  • Make a copy of .env.example as .env
    Set PORT as the port of the app
    Set REACT_APP_API_URL as backend API's URL

How to Run

  • npm start to start the app

Commands for devlopment

  • npm run lint to check lint errors
  • npm run lint-fix to fix lint errors
  • npm test to test the app
  • npm run build to build a production bundle