
A 2nd semester follow-up to the TEALS Intro CS course

Welcome to the TEALS Intro to Computer Science Part 2 Curriculum. This curriculum is intended for use by TEALS classrooms teaching Introduction to Computer Science in a yearlong format. We expect that students have completed the content from the 1st semester course prior to this curriculum.

Units 5-8 of the curriculum are still under heavy revision as of 1/13/2016

Please help us complete it by contributing feedback and suggestions via the GitHub repository that contains the source files for this gitbook: https://github.com/TEALS-IntroCS/2nd-semester-introduction-to-computer-science-principles

Curriculum Orientation

Check out this 1-hour Orientation to the Curriculum video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHgA_7x6-Qo

Python Versions (2 vs 3)

Python is an evolving language. Python 3 is major upgrade to the language, released in 2010. There is a lot of existing software written under Python 2 and there is resistance to upgrading to Python 3 due to code breakage and cost. Just as a car part from a 10 year old model car will probably not fit a new model of the same car, Python 2 code probably not run in a Python 3 environment. In Python 3 there are new features, significant upgrades "underneath" which makes the code run better and/or faster as well as no longer supporting (deprecating) some Python 2 capabilities. When looking at Python code, be careful to note whether it is Python2 or Pynton3.

This class will use Python 3.


Please open an issue in GitHub if you encounter factual, spelling, or grammatical errors, sequencing problems (topics needed before they are taught), or incomplete/missing materials.


If you'd like to suggest changes or additions to the curriculum, please submit a Github Pull Request containing your changes. As a best practice, each pull request should contain a singular atomic change.