
On startup application declares input-A and output-A queues and starts listen on input-A. Upon delivery service processes it (basically does {"result": " + string(input) + "}). Processed message is being published to default exchange with routing key output-A.

Black box

Client publishes 'hello' to input-A and receives '{"result": "hello"}' from output-A.

How to


Format the code, fix dependencies and validate the project.

make lint


Bootstrap RabbitMQ, run the service and start processing messages received from the queue.



Add support for the second stream of data using input-B and output-B queues.

Black box

  1. Client publishes 'hello' to input-A and receives '{"result": "hello"}' from output-A.
  2. Client publishes 'hello' to input-B and receives '{"result": "hello"}' from output-B.