
my ~/.vimrc

Primary LanguageVim scriptMIT LicenseMIT


my ~/.vimrc

Note that my settings required Vim 7.3 (2010-08-15)+ to work.

Vim addon manager

Vim-Plug used!

  • Install:

    Download plug.vim and put it in ~/.vim/autoload, please see Vim-Plug document for more details. Then, restart the Vim and type :PlugInstall to install all plugins specified in .vimrc.

256-colors terminal

I enabled 256 colors in vim, so you should use it with a terminal supported 256 colors to get full effect. AFAIK, recent modern terminal emulators have already supported 256 colors, but not rxvt-unicode (URxvt) which can be replace with rxvt-unicode-256color. Please check 256 colors in vim for more details.

Required packages

  • pdftotext for :Rpdf custom command to view PDF file inside vim. (Note that the executable is located in a not intuitive Ubuntu package name poppler-utils.)

  • cscope for tczengming/autoload_cscope.vim.

  • git for airblade/vim-gitgutter and tjennings/git-grep-vim.

  • Android adb for thinca/vim-logcat.

  • ack (ack-grep) for mileszs/ack.vim.

    Ubuntu need to add a symlink ack linked to ack-grep package by update-alternatives command.

    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ack ack /usr/bin/ack-grep 100
    • for Ubuntu 14.04+:
    sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ack ack /usr/bin/ack-grep 100 --slave /usr/share/man/man1/ack.1p.gz ack.1p.gz /usr/share/man/man1/ack-grep.1p.gz

    Moreover, ack must be newer than v2.0, so Ubuntu 12.04 need one more step to upgrade from v1.92 by adding ack-grep 2.12 PPA.

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:leonard-ehrenfried/ack2
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade