.NET Aspire Solution

This repository contains a .NET Aspire solution with multiple projects. Below is a detailed description of each project, including their purpose, referenced NuGet packages, and project references.


1. GraphQLApi

Description: The GraphQLApi project is responsible for providing a GraphQL API. It includes endpoints for authentication and querying data from a MongoDB database.

NuGet Packages:

  • HotChocolate.AspNetCore
  • HotChocolate.Authorization
  • MongoDB.Driver
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer
  • Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens
  • Asp.Versioning
  • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore

Project References:

  • ServiceDefaults

Key Files:

  • Program.cs: Configures services and middleware for the application.
  • AuthEndpoints.cs: Contains the authentication endpoints.
  • Extensions.cs: Contains extension methods for configuring services.
  • AlphaBroderProduct.cs: Defines the AlphaBroderProduct entity.

Authorization Policy: The GraphQLApi project uses an authorization policy named AlphaTenantsPolicy. This policy ensures that only authenticated users with specific tenant IDs can access certain resources.

Policy Logic:

  • The policy requires the user to be authenticated.
  • It checks for a claim named TenantId.
  • It validates that the TenantId claim is one of the allowed tenant IDs (123 or 789).

The policy is defined in the Extensions.cs file:

public static void AddAuthorizationServices(this WebApplicationBuilder webApplicationBuilder)
    var allowedAlphaTenantIds = new List<string> { "123", "789" };
    webApplicationBuilder.Services.AddAuthorization(options =>
        options.AddPolicy("AlphaTenantsPolicy", policy =>
            policy.RequireAssertion(context =>
                var tenantIdClaim = context.User.FindFirst("TenantId")?.Value;
                return tenantIdClaim is not null && allowedAlphaTenantIds.Contains(tenantIdClaim);