
Primary LanguageTypeScript

My Next App

This project is a contact management application built with Next.js, TypeScript, and Prisma. It allows users to add, edit, and delete contacts.

Project Structure

The project is structured into several directories and files, each serving a specific purpose:

  • src/app: This directory contains the main application components.
  • src/contexts: This directory contains the React context providers used for state management.
  • src/hooks: This directory contains custom hooks used in the application.
  • src/lib: This directory contains utility functions and the Prisma client for database operations.

Application Flow

The application is primarily composed of the following components:

  • ContactListContainer: This is the main container component that fetches the contact list data and provides it to the child components. It uses the getContactListDataFromAction function to fetch the contact data.
  • ContactList: This component receives the contact list from the ContactListContainer and displays each contact. It uses the useContactSortAndFilter hook to sort and filter the contact list based on the user's input.
  • ContactDetail: This component receives individual contact data and displays it. It also includes ContactDialogEdit and ContactDeleteButton components for editing and deleting the contact, respectively.
  • ContactDialogEdit and ContactDialogAdd: These components are used to display a modal for editing an existing contact or adding a new one. They use the useContactModalContext hook to manage the modal state.
  • ContactDeleteButton: This component is used to delete a contact. It uses the useContactDataContext hook to call the deleteContact function.

State Management

State management in this application is handled using React Context. There are two main context providers:

  • ContactDataProvider: This provider is used to manage the state of the contact list. It provides functions for creating, updating, and deleting contacts.
  • ContactMenuProvider: This provider is used to manage the state of the search text input in the ContactMenu component.

Database Operations

Database operations are performed using Prisma. The src/lib/prisma/contact-data-repo.ts file contains functions for fetching, creating, updating, and deleting contacts in the database.

In this project, the React Context API is used for state management across multiple components. There are two main context providers:

  1. ContactDataProvider: This provider is used to manage the state of the contact list. It provides functions for creating, updating, and deleting contacts. The state and functions are consumed in various components like ContactListContainer, ContactDetail, ContactDeleteButton, ContactDialogEdit, and ContactDialogAdd.

  2. ContactMenuProvider: This provider is used to manage the state of the search text input in the ContactMenu component. The state is consumed in the ContactMenu and ContactList components.

  3. ContactModalProvider: This provider is used to manage the state of the contact modal. It provides the state and functions to handle the modal's show/hide status and the contact details in the modal. The state and functions are consumed in various components like ContactModal, ContactModalHeader, ContactModalBody, ContactModalFooter, ContactDialogEdit, and ContactDialogAdd.

The Context API provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. In this project, it's used to share common data across multiple components, making the state management more efficient and the code cleaner.

graph TB
App --> ContactMenuProvider
ContactMenuProvider --> ContactModalProvider
ContactModalProvider --> Nav
ContactModalProvider --> ContactListContainer
ContactListContainer --> ContactDataProvider
ContactDataProvider --> ContactModal
ContactModal --> ContactModalHeader
ContactModal --> ContactModalBody
ContactModal --> ContactModalFooter
ContactDataProvider --> ContactMenu
ContactDataProvider --> ContactList
ContactList --> ContactDetail
ContactDetail --> ContactDialogEdit
ContactDetail --> ContactDeleteButton
ContactModalProvider --> Footer
ContactMenuProvider --> Header

Running the Application

To run the application, use the following commands:

  • npm install: Install the project dependencies.
  • npm run dev: Start the development server.


When contributing to this project, please ensure that your changes do not break the existing functionality. Add comments to your code where necessary and follow the existing coding style.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.