
TypeScript + NodeJS API for Golem

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Golem JavaScript API

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Table of contents

What's Golem and golem-js?

The Golem Network fosters a global group of creators building ambitious software solutions that will shape the technological landscape of future generations by accessing computing resources across the platform. Golem Network is an accessible, reliable, open access and censorship-resistant protocol, democratizing access to digital resources and connecting users through a flexible, open-source platform.

golem-js is the JavaScript API that allows developers to connect to their Golem nodes and manage their distributed, computational loads through Golem Network.

System requirements

To use golem-js, it is necessary to have yagna installed, with a recommended minimum version of v0.14.0. Yagna is a service that communicates and performs operations on the Golem Network, upon your requests via the SDK. You can follow these instructions to set it up.

Simplified installation steps

In order to get started and on Golem Network and obtain test GLM tokens (tGLM) that will allow you to build on the test network, follow these steps:

Join the network as a requestor and obtain test tokens

# Join the network as a requestor
curl -sSf https://join.golem.network/as-requestor | bash -

# Start the golem node on your machine,
# you can use `daemonize` to run this in background
yagna service run

# IN SEPARATE TERMINAL (if not daemonized)
# Initialize your requestor
yagna payment init --sender --network holesky

# Request funds on the test network
yagna payment fund --network holesky

# Check the status of the funds
yagna payment status --network holesky

Obtain your app-key to use with SDK

If you don't have any app-keys available from yagna app-key list, go ahead and create one with the command below. You will need this key in order to communicate with yagna from your application via golem-js.You can set it as YAGNA_APPKEY environment variable.

yagna app-key create my-golem-app


@golem-sdk/golem-js is available as a NPM package.

You can install it through npm:

npm install @golem-sdk/golem-js

or by yarn:

yarn add @golem-sdk/golem-js


To build a library available to the NodeJS environment:

npm run build
# or
yarn build

This will generate production code in the dist/ directory ready to be used in your nodejs or browser applications.


Hello World example

import { TaskExecutor } from "@golem-sdk/golem-js";

(async function main() {
  const executor = await TaskExecutor.create("golem/alpine:latest");
  try {
    await executor.run(async (ctx) => console.log((await ctx.run("echo 'Hello World'")).stdout));
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Computation failed:", error);
  } finally {
    await executor.shutdown();

More examples

The examples directory in the repository contains various usage patterns for the SDK. You can browse through them and learn about the recommended practices. All examples are automatically tested during our release process.

In case you find an issue with the examples, feel free to submit an issue report to the repository.

You can find even more examples and tutorials in the JavaScript API section of the Golem Network Docs.

Supported environments

The SDK is designed to work with LTS versions of Node (starting from 18) and with browsers.

Golem Network Market Basics

The Golem Network provides an open marketplace where anyone can join as a Provider and supply the network with their computing power. In return for their service, they are billing Requestors (users of this SDK) according to the pricing that they define.

As a Requestor, you might want to:

  • control the limit price so that you're not going to over-spend your funds
  • control the interactions with the providers if you have a list of the ones which you like or the ones which you would like to avoid

To make this easy, we provided you with a set of predefined market proposal filters, which you can combine to implement your own market strategy (described below).

Mid-agreement payments to the Providers for used resources

When you obtain resources from the Provider and start using them, the billing cycle will start immediately. Since reliable service and payments are important for all actors in the Golem Network, the SDK makes use of the mid-agreement payments model and implements best practices for the market, which include:

  • responding and accepting debit notes for activities that last longer than 30 minutes
  • issuing mid-agreement payments (pay-as-you-go)

By default, the SDK will:

  • accept debit notes sent by the Providers within two minutes of receipt (so that the Provider knows that we're alive, and it will continue serving the resources)
  • issue a mid-agreement payment every 12 hours (so that the provider will be paid on a regular interval for serving the resources for more than 10 hours)

You can learn more about the mid-agreement and other payment models from the official docs.

These values are defaults and can be influenced by the following settings:

  • DemandOptions.expirationSec
  • DemandOptions.debitNotesAcceptanceTimeoutSec
  • DemandOptions.midAgreementPaymentTimeoutSec

If you're using TaskExecutor to run tasks on Golem, you can pass them as part of the configuration object accepted by TaskExecutor.create. Consult JS API reference for details.

Limit price limits to filter out offers that are too expensive

import { TaskExecutor, ProposalFilterFactory } from "@golem-sdk/golem-js";

const executor = await TaskExecutor.create({
  // What do you want to run
  package: "golem/alpine:3.18.2",

  // How much you wish to spend
  budget: 0.5,
  proposalFilter: ProposalFilterFactory.limitPriceFilter({
    start: 1,
    cpuPerSec: 1 / 3600,
    envPerSec: 1 / 3600,

  // Where you want to spend
  payment: {
    network: "polygon",

To learn more about other filters, please check the API reference of the market/strategy module

Work with reliable providers

The getHealthyProvidersWhiteList helper will provide you with a list of Provider ID's that were checked with basic health-checks. Using this whitelist will increase the chance of working with a reliable provider. Please note, that you can also build up your own list of favourite providers and use it in a similar fashion.

import { MarketHelpers, ProposalFilterFactory, TaskExecutor } from "@golem-sdk/golem-js";

// Collect the whitelist
const verifiedProviders = await MarketHelpers.getHealthyProvidersWhiteList();

// Prepare the whitelist filter
const whiteList = ProposalFilterFactory.allowProvidersById(verifiedProviders);

// Prepare the price filter
const acceptablePrice = ProposalFilterFactory.limitPriceFilter({
  start: 1,
  cpuPerSec: 1 / 3600,
  envPerSec: 1 / 3600,

const executor = await TaskExecutor.create({
  // What do you want to run
  package: "golem/alpine:3.18.2",

  // How much you wish to spend
  budget: 0.5,
  proposalFilter: (proposal) => acceptablePrice(proposal) && whiteList(proposal),

  // Where you want to spend
  payment: {
    network: "polygon",


The SDK uses the debug package to provide debug logs. To enable them, set the DEBUG environment variable to golem-js:* or golem-js:market:* to see all logs or only the market-related ones, respectively. For more information, please refer to the debug package documentation.


Read the dedicated testing documentation to learn more about how to run tests of the SDK.


It is recommended to run unit tests and static code analysis before committing changes.

yarn lint
# and
yarn format

See also