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Golioth OpenThread Demo


A demonstration of a Zephyr device connecting to Golioth over IPv6 via Thread Protocol.

This is a standalone repository that will download all required files and dependencies. This directory will take up a good amount of room, as it will contain the latest Nordic NCS in the deps repository..


  • Golioth device PSK credentials
  • A running Thread Border Router with NAT64 (we will be using an OpenThread Border Router - OTBR)
  • Thread network name and PSK key
  • The Laird BT510.

This demo can also work on the Nordic nRF52840-DK, but will not have on-board sensors. All build commands will explicitly call out the BT510.

There are additional instructions around setting up RCP and OTBR on our documentation page.


The firmware will wait for a serial console to attach over USB.

Once USB is attached, it will proceed with connecting to the pre-configured thread network.

Upon successful connection, the green LED of the nRF52840 dongle will turn on.

When you press a button, a new log event will be sent to the Golioth Log device service.

A full Zephyr shell is available on the USB serial console, along with openthread commands.

You can list available openthread commands by running ot help on the console.

Download This Repository

west init -m https://github.com/golioth/golioth-openthread-demo.git golioth-openthread
cd golioth-openthread
west update

Configure prj.conf

Configure the following Kconfig options

  • OPENTHREAD_NETWORK_NAME - Name of your Thread network
  • OPENTHREAD_NETWORKKEY - Network Key of your Thread network

by changing these lines in the prj.conf configuration file, e.g.:


Build, Flash, Provision

Build and Flash

west build -b bt510 app
west flash

Note, this requires a board with a debugger, either on-board or on an external platform.

For the Laird BT510, you will need the Laird SWD USB programming kit.


If your device is not connecting to your OpenThread network using the info in your prj.conf, use the following commands on the shell (connect to the device using the programmer)

uart:~$ ot ifconfig down
uart:~$ ot dataset networkkey 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
uart:~$ ot dataset networkname OpenThreadDemo
uart:~$ ot dataset commit active
uart:~$ ot ifconfig up
uart:~$ ot thread start

Check your device is attempting to attach to the OTBR using the command ot state

Finally, add your Golioth credentials using the settings shell. Connect over serial (programmer) to your device and then apply your Golioth PSK-ID / PSK

uart:~$ settings set golioth/psk-id <my-psk-id@my-project>
uart:~$ settings set golioth/psk <my-psk>
uart:~$ kernel reboot cold

These will persist after updates to your firmware, so you should only need to add them once.