
modification of bibliotools 2.2 from Sébastian Grauwin

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Paul Girard added an alternative set of scripts to build the references cooccurences network. It follows this methodological chain:

0. download WOS data

download a set of WOS exports files in full format

1. Merge all files in one

$python merging_corpus.py

This will output one file with all wos records inside and a years_distribution.csv counting articles by year. While doing the merge the script checks some data formats known issues. Edit mergin_corpus.py to add some more premilinary cleaning.

1-2. Define the time-spans

The years_distribution.csv (in reports_directory) will help you to decide how you will cut your corpus in time spans. To do so edt config.py to add spans.

2. Group files by time-span and parse them

$python parse_and_group.py

This will split the corpus into time-spans writing one file for each in a specific folder. It will then parse the many WOS files to outputs article-id{tab}items indeces files. Items are : references, subjects, authors, institutions, keywords, countries.

This steps uses parser.py and Utils.py from bibliotools 2. You'll find in this repository a better version of parser.py and Utils.py in which I removed one important bug.

2-3. Define filtering

One can use the script corpus_parsed_overview.py to outputs many reports about the corpus. ADD DOCUMENTATION about the reports

3. generate REF-REF cooccurrence network

$python filter_and_network_ref.py

This script will filter references on occurences number and then generate the RE-REF network adding and edge whose weight is the number of articles co-citing those 2 references. The scripts filters edges on weight as defined in config.py. The script will output one network file "span-name.gexf" by time-span in format specified in config.py.

4. add items nodes and edges

$python annotations_multiproc.py

This script will add items nodes and edges between ref and items. It will filters as previous steps on occurences and edge weight.

This script outputs a report which can help defining the weight filtering.

ADD DOCUMENTATION about this reports and how to use

This script output one network "span-name_annotated.graphml" by time-span.

5. analyse the networks

The method proposed to analyse those networks consists in spacializing the ref-ref network only. Then to settle this ref-ref network as the basemap. Then one can add one or more layer(s) of annotation as ref-item edges and spacialize the items over the ref-ref basemap.

To do so in Gephi:

  • open a span-name_annotated.graphml graph
  • filter on type node attribute to keep references only
  • spacialize using one layout (we love ForceAtlas 2)
  • in filter, select the references only
  • right-click and choose settle in context-menu
  • remove your filter
  • in Partition, color node on attribute type
  • start the layout again to position the items (references, subjects, authors, institutions, keywords, countries)
  • Now you can try to understand how your scientific papers corpus is based on references communities and to describe those communities by analysing their use of keywords, subjects...


pip install networkx

this work is a modification of bibliotools 2.2 from Sébastian Grauwin


The BiblioTools are a set of python scripts performing several scientometric analysis on a (WOS) bibligraphic database, among which

** Statistical (frequency) analysis of the keywords, subjects, journals of publication, authors, institutions, countries, references. ** Possibility to filter your data (in particular the institutions and laboratory names) ** Cocitation networks : construction of static or dynamic networks (co-authors, co-citations, heterogeneous networks, ...) with a gephi output. ** Bibliographic Coupling network: construction, detection and detailed caracterisation of the communities.

More information (tutorials, examples, references...) GO TO http://www.sebastian-grauwin.com