
This is CMake script to integrate golxzn::* modules to your project

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


golxzn::cmake is a library that provides CMake functions to help you integrate golxzn modules to your project.


1. Add this repository to your project:

git submodule add https://github.com/golxzn/modules-cmake.git cmake/golxzn

You could change cmake/golxzn to any path you want. I usually place it near other modules in the code/modules/cmake directory. You could see example in my sandbox project.

2. Include goxzn-modules.cmake to your CMake project:


	PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/deps/golxzn

golxzn_load_modules has the following parameters:

Argument Value example Description
PATH code/modules This path has to contain of golxzn modules, such as golxzn::os
DISABLED_MODULES golxzn::render;golxzn::os::threads List of excluded golxzn's modules or submodules

3. Add golxzn modules to your project:

git submodule add https://github.com/golxzn/os.git deps/golxzn/os
git submodule add https://github.com/golxzn/core.git deps/golxzn/core

I don't need this repository to use golxzn modules!

If you need whole module

It's okay if you don't want or can't use this repository to integrate golxzn modules to your project. To import any module to your project, you need to clone it as in the third step, and then declare few variables before include gmodule.cmake script:

set(GXZN_PATH path/to/modules)
set(GXZN_DISABLED_MODULES golxzn::os::threads golxzn::os::network)


target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE golxzn::os)

If you need a submodule of module!

Any submodule you could obtain with add_subdirectory CMake function. But make sure to add submodules from grecuires file!


add_subdirectory(libs/golxzn/os/aliases) # Has to be first, cuz `golxzn::memory` depends on it