
Primary LanguagePHP

GomaGaming Logs for Laravel/Lumen


  • GomaGaming Logs tracks Exceptions, Requests and Responses and Custom logs and sends it to a specific queue with meta data associated (paths, parameters, headers, etc), which can then be properly treated.

Laravel Version Compatibility

  • Laravel >= 8.x.x on PHP >= 7.3

Lumen Version Compatibility

  • Lumen >= 8.x.x on PHP >= 7.3


    composer require gomagaming/logs

Lumen Only

Add GomaGamingLogsServiceProvider to bootstrap/app.php:


Configuration file

By default all logs are being sent to a queue called 'logs', but can be changed in config file gomagaminglogs.php

Lumen only:

    cp vendor/gomagaming/logs/config/gomagaminglogs.php config/gomagaminglogs.php


Enable capturing unhandled exception by making the following change to App/Exceptions/Handler.php:


    use GomaGaming\Logs\GomaGamingLogs;

    public function register()
        $this->reportable(function (Throwable $e) {

            if ($this->shouldReport($e)) {



    use GomaGaming\Logs\GomaGamingLogs;

    public function report(Throwable $exception)
        if ($this->shouldReport($exception)) {


To capture information about all incoming requests or all responses, add the following middleware as global or apply it to a group:

In Laravel add it to app/Http/Kernel.php:

    protected $middleware = [

In Lumen add it to bootstarp/app.php:


Custom errors or informations can also be reported:

    use GomaGaming\Logs\GomaGamingLogs;

    GomaGamingLogs::info("This is an information about my service.");
    GomaGamingLogs::error("This is an error ocurring in my service");

For API's that don't want to give users information about exceptions, we can change render method in App/Exceptions/Handler.php to return always http code 500 with a custom message, example:

    public function render($request, Throwable $exception)

        //might want to check if request is asking for json response

        return response()->json(['status' => 'error', 'msg' => 'Internal Server Error'], 500);

