
Advancing Molecular Machine (Learned) Representations with Stereoelectronics-Infused Molecular Graphs

Primary LanguagePython


Chemical Representation and Interaction Discovery with Stereoelectronics-Infused Molecular Graphs

Molecular representation is a foundational element in our understanding of the physical world. Its importance ranges from the fundamentals of chemical reactions to the design of new therapies and materials. Previous molecular machine learning models have employed strings, fingerprints, global features, and simple molecular graphs that are inherently information-sparse representations. However, as the complexity of prediction tasks increases, the molecular representation needs to encode higher fidelity information. This work introduces a novel approach to infusing quantum-chemical-rich information into molecular graphs via stereoelectronic effects. We show that the explicit addition of stereoelectronic interactions significantly improves the performance of molecular machine learning models. Furthermore, stereoelectronics-infused representations can be learned and deployed with a tailored double graph neural network workflow, enabling its application to any downstream molecular machine learning task. Finally, we show that the learned representations allow for facile stereoelectronic evaluation of previously intractable systems, such as entire proteins, opening new avenues of molecular design.

Data availability

The data is available at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cDTih3LFKu5vEmoy6EvtoTgif9dE1_HV?usp=share_link


PyG is very tricky to install, so usually we use the following installation commands:

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install pyg -c pyg
conda install -c conda-forge pytorch-lightning

Please, make sure that your are using 1.x version of PyTorch Lightning.

Steps to reproduce the results

Step 1: data preparation

Original NBO data is presented as a large list serialized in json format. The fist step is to convert the json file into json lines format. This could be done with on a node with large amount of memory:

python scripts/graph_construction/json_to_jsonl.py --path $JSON_FILE --output $JSONL_FILE

Then the NBO data has to be converted into xyz file format. This can be done using the following command:

python scripts/graph_construction/json_to_xyz_and_nbo.py --path $JSONL_FILE | gzip > $OUTPUT_FILE

Multiple files can be converted at the same time (expected time if run in parallel ~ 1 min):

for i in {1..6}; do python scripts/graph_construction/json_to_xyz_and_nbo.py --path ../data/qm9_nbo7_part$i.json.jsonl | gzip > ../data/qm9_nbo7_part$i.json.jsonl.NBO.gz & done

Step 2: Graph construction

Then we need to generate multiple inputs for various graph operations:

Lone pair prediction network

This can be done using scripts/graph_construction/prepare_LP_prediction_graphs.py script. See example in "NBO feature prediction network" section.

NBO feature prediction network

This can be done by the script located in scripts/graph_construction/prepare_NBO_prediction_graphs.py (takes ~ 20 min on a 12-core machine):

for i in {1..6}; do python scripts/graph_construction/prepare_NBO_prediction_graphs.py --path ../data/qm9_nbo7_part$i.json.jsonl.NBO.gz --configs scripts/graph_construction.yaml --output_path graphs_$i.pt --mode lps_bonds; done

(debug command python scripts/graph_construction/prepare_NBO_prediction_graphs.py --path data/test_mol.gz --config configs/graph_construction.yaml --output_path tmp.tmp --mode lps_bonds --debug)

Then we need to added train/val/test labels to the data point. To enable fair comparison with QM9 baseline, we need to get them from the QM9 dataset (see below). Assuming you have a file with extracted QM9 targets this can be done with the following command:

for f in *.pt; do python scripts/append_qm9_targets.py --targets_path ../data/qm9/qm9_targets.pkl --graphs_path $f; done

The merged files can be merged in a separate folder.

Downstream tasks

The first step is to extract corresponding targets (taken from https://github.com/microsoft/tf-gnn-samples):

python scripts/extract_qm9_targets.py --qm9_path ../data/qm9/ --output_path ../data/qm9/qm9_targets.pkl

Then we need to generate the graphs for the downstream tasks in a very similar way as for the NBO prediction network.

Step 3: Training the networks

Lone pair prediction network

To predict the lone pairs, run the train.py located in experiments/lone_pair_model (see python train.py -h for more details).

NBO feature prediction network

To train a model to predict the NBO targets, run the train.py located in experiments/predict_NBO:

python train.py --graphs_path $MERGED_GRAPH_PATH --bs 1024 --model_config model_config.yaml --gpus 1

The model can be evaluated against the test dataset using the evaluate.py script:

python evaluate.py --graphs_path ../../merged_graphs/ --model_path $CHECKPOINT_PATH

Downstream tasks

NBO graphs can be evaluated in downstream tasks using the following commands:

for f in $GRAPHS_PATH/*.pt; do python evaluate_for_downstream.py --graphs_path $f --model_path $CHECKPOINT_PATH --output_path  $(basename ${f}) & done
python test_all_models.py --graphs_path $NEW_GRAPHS_PATH --bs 1024 --parts 12 --model_path model.ckpt --from_NBO