Before you begin, perform the following two steps:
For this lab, you have to write a program to Query a Bayes Network
Your assignment is to build a program that reads the structure and probability tables of a Bayes Network, and then query it. Querying a Bayes network means to compute the probability of the query variables being true, given certain evidence.
Your program must read from stdin
and output to stdout
. See
for instructions how to do this.
Basically, your program will be called by executing run < [problem_file]
where problem_file
is a file describing the problem (see below). Your program
should output the solution as text to the terminal.
The input consists of three sections:
Nodes: a list of variable nodes in the Bayes Network, separated by a comma.
Probabilities: the probability tables associated variable nodes. Entries of a probability table have the following format:
VariableAssignment [| [VariableAssigment]*]? = Probability
This encodes the probability of a variable being true, given its parent nodes in the Bayes Network having a certain value.
A VariableAssignment is formatted as
. When preceded by a +, it means that the variable is true. A minus (-) indicates the variable is false. -
Queries: one or more queries. A query has the following format
[QueryAssignment]* [| [EvidenceAssigment]*]?
Both QueryAssignment and EvidenceAssigment are VariableAssigments.
A query basically requests your program to compute the probability of the query variables having a certain value, given the evidence variables having a certain value.
Output consists multiple lines, one per query. For each query, output the probability, rounded to 7 digits.
The following example encodes a Bayes network for a simple diagnostics test to determine whether a patient is ill.
The network consists of two nodes: "Ill" and "Test". There is one edge from "Ill" to "Test".
There are 3 queries defined.
Test, Ill
+Ill = 0.001
More examples can be found in the testcases