This repository contains the implementation of Sequential Feature Detachment (SFD) for feature selection and its application to Detach-ROCKET for time series classification.
- ChangyongYang
- cruyff1107
- DanielWangoWFudan University
- deep-introspection@ppsp-team + @HackYourResearch
- Earthnook
- Fede112
- gabrevayaUniversity of Buenos Aires
- gon-uriKTH & Scilifelab, Karolinska Institute
- henrisuurorgTallinn, Estonia
- jbpolineMcGill University, Montreal, Canada, and Berkeley, CA, USA
- kevingohITS-Industrial Turbine Services GmbH
- kujamarapewag austria GmbH
- manadopeee
- nomisevh
- wilhelmagrenSvenska Handelsbanken AB
- WuYonglin
- xiao-nx