
A really simple IoT infrastructure project based on MQTT.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A really simple IoT infrastructure project based on MQTT.

Project dependencies

Run example with docker-compose

  1. Run the containers. This command will build them if they don't exist:
$ docker-compose up -d

Creating network "iot-infra_iot-network" with the default driver
Building broker
Successfully built blah blah
Successfully tagged iot-infra_broker:latest
WARNING: Image for service broker was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Building monitor
Successfully built blah blah
Successfully tagged iot-infra_monitor:latest
WARNING: Image for service monitor was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Building end_device
Successfully built blah blah
Successfully tagged iot-infra_end_device:latest
WARNING: Image for service end_device was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Creating iot-broker ... done
Creating iot-monitor    ... done
Creating iot-end_device ... done
  1. Check if they are up:
$ docker-compose ps

Name                   Command               State    Ports  
iot-broker       docker-entrypoint.sh node  ...   Up      1883/tcp
iot-end_device   docker-entrypoint.sh ./scr ...   Up      1883/tcp
iot-monitor      docker-entrypoint.sh ./scr ...   Up      1883/tcp
  1. Print the logs:
$ docker-compose logs

Attaching to iot-monitor, iot-end_device, iot-broker
iot-broker    | Broker started and listening on port 1883
iot-end_device | MQTT client connected.
iot-end_device | MQTT client published message.
iot-monitor   | MQTT client connected!
iot-monitor   | Subscribed:
iot-monitor   |   topic: 'house/bedroom1/temperature'
iot-monitor   |   QoS:    1
iot-monitor   | house/bedroom1/temperature: 10.4
  1. Bring them down if you want. Add -rmi to completely remove the images:
$ docker-compose down

Stopping iot-monitor    ... done
Stopping iot-end_device ... done
Stopping iot-broker     ... done
Removing iot-monitor    ... done
Removing iot-end_device ... done
Removing iot-broker     ... done
Removing network iot-infra_iot-network

Run example without Docker engine

  1. Install depedencies:
$ npm --prefix broker install broker
$ npm --prefix monitor install monitor
$ npm --prefix end_device install end_device
  1. Open a terminal. Run the server locally with:
$ cd broker
$ node index.js

Broker started and listening on port 1883
  1. Open a new terminal. Run the monitor MQTT client.
 $ cd monitor
 $ node index.js

 MQTT client connected!
   topic: 'house/bedroom1/temperature'
   QoS:   1
  1. Open a new terminal. Run the end-device MQTT client.
 $ cd end_device
 $ node index.js

 MQTT client connected.
 MQTT client published message.
  1. Now in the terminal running the monitor client you can see the measurement:
house/bedroom1/temperature: 10.4
  1. Terminate everything by pressing Ctrl+C.