MARS has been jointly developed by Pete Sanderson (programming) and Ken Vollmar (details and paperwork).
CCSC-MW paper, "A MIPS Assembly Language Simulator Designed for Education." Ken Vollmar and Pete Sanderson. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 21:1, October 2005. Pages: 95 - 101.
SIGCSE 2006 paper, "MARS: An Education-Oriented MIPS Assembly Language Simulator," Kenneth Vollmar and Pete Sanderson. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 38:1 (March 2006), 239-243.
MARS presentations by Pete Sanderson at Bowling Green State Univ. (2006) and University of Pittsburgh (2007).
Tutorial on MARS at CCSC-CP, Drury University, Apr. 13-14, 2007, by Pete Sanderson and Ken Vollmar