Utility that renders a graph using the lines from a file or log. It reads input from stdin.
This is an example how to pipe logcat output (logging utility for android phones) into the program. Should work in other contexts too.
adb logcat -v time | cargo run --release -- --x_max "1150" -r "time: (\d+)"
grapher 0.1.0
grapher [OPTIONS] --regex <regex>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-c, --capture <capture_method> How the numbers will be captured from the regex groups.
"1" to capture the first group as y and use the number lines that matched as x
"-1" to capture the first group as y and use the number lines that matched as y
"12" to capture two groups and use the first group as x and the second group as y
"21" to capture two groups and use the first group as y and the second group as z
-r, --regex <regex> This regex should have 1 or two groups that contain a number. This will be
rendered into the graph. Check the capture option for more details
--reset_regex <reset_regex> When a line matches this regex the current graph will be cleared
-t, --title <window_title> Title of the window
--x_min <x_min> Minimum x coordinate for the graph
--x_max <xmax> Maximum x coordinate for the graph
--y_max <ymax> Maximum y coordinate for the graph
--y_min <ymin> Minimum y coordinate for the graph