
The Decrypting HTTP File Server (with GPG support)

Primary LanguagePython


The Decrypting HTTP File Server

HTTP server that serves a local directory with encrypted files and unencrypts them on request time.

It's intended to run locally, and based on python's built-in HTTP server - do not use in production.


Usage is similar to http.server (old SimpleHTTPServer in python2):

$ python3 -m dhttpfs.server --help
usage: server.py [-h] [--bind BIND] [--directory DIRECTORY] [port]

positional arguments:
  port                  port [default: 8000]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bind BIND, -b BIND  bind address [default: localhost only]
  --directory DIRECTORY, -d DIRECTORY

Supported encryption methods:

  • GPG symmetric