
This is a crude Windows cmd (.bat) file that might, if you're lucky, show you where your clockface/app files are stored on the Fitbit OS simulator. This can be useful for checking locally-stored files (see /private/data) and inspecting the app snapshot.


findsim [appname]

  • appname need not be complete, but should be sufficient to be unambiguous.

  • If appname is ambiguous, multiple matches are possible.

  • If appname contains one or more spaces, surround it with "".

  • If you don't specify appname on the command line, you will be prompted for it.


The output identifies the location of your app's manifest file, but everything in the numeric directory above it relates to your app.

Example session:

D:\Users\Peter\Documents\Development\Fitbit>findsim nag

Versa 2:
C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Roaming\Fitbit OS Simulator\mira\app\apps

Versa 3:
C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Roaming\Fitbit OS Simulator\atlas\app\apps

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