- Abshir Ibrahim
- Thomas Lau
- Laurel Perkins
- Trey Young
- Fox meme creator, complete with fun fox puns and relevant css stylization
- Using the Random Fox API, this app will generate a random image of a fox, which the user can than add text to in the format of a classic meme.
- The user will have the ability to save, update, and delete their collection of fox memes.
- The user is encouraged to think outside the box, but never outside the fox ;)
- As a user, I want to be able to see a collection of fox images, pick the one I want to add text to, then add text to that image.
- As a user, I want to be able to login and see the collection of fox memes I've saved.
- As a user, I want to select a fox meme that I have created, and then edit that fox meme.
- As a user, I want to be able to delete fox memes that I no longer want saved to my collection.
- API: https://randomfox.ca/floof/
- React Bootstrap components used: Carousel, Card probably, update this later
- Languages used: Javascript, CSS