
A lightweight data persistence library for Ember.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ember RESTless Build Status

ember-restless is a lightweight data persistence library for Ember.js.

Out of the box, it is used to communicate with a JSON REST API to map data between a server and your Ember.js application. ember-restless can be extended to support various other data persistence layers.

One of its main goals is to reproduce much of the simple, useful features of ember-data, while remaining lightweight and stable.

You should use ember-restless if you want to easily perform CRUD operations on your ember models without having to write any ajax or json serialization / deserialization.

See the full API documentation.

See the change log for the latest features and API changes.


Getting started

To use in an ember-cli app, simply:

npm install --save-dev ember-restless

For old-school global apps, include ember-restless.js after ember.js.


RESTless can be referenced either with the namespace RESTless or the shorthand RL. Similar to Ember and Em

Defining a RESTAdapter

The REST adapter is responsible for communicating with your backend REST service. Here, you can optionally set the host, and a namespace.
For example, if your REST API is located at http://api.example.com/v1

App.RESTAdapter = RL.RESTAdapter.create({
  host: 'http://api.example.com',
  namespace: 'v1'

Defining a 'Client'

Similar to defining the 'Store' using ember-data, instead define the 'Client' for your application. RESTless will automatically detect the Client on your application namespace and initialize RESTless to work with your app.

App.Client = RL.Client.create({
  adapter: App.RESTAdapter


Each model you create should extend RL.Model:

App.Post = RL.Model.extend({
  title:       RL.attr('string'),
  isPublished: RL.attr('boolean'),
  readCount:   RL.attr('number'),
  createdAt:   RL.attr('date')

Supported attribute types are string, number, boolean, and date. Defining a type is optional. You can define custom attribute type transforms in your adapter. See the advanced section below.

Note on ES6 modules
If using ES6 modules/ember-cli, you'll need to explicitly define resourceName on all of your model classes:

var Post = RL.Model.extend({ ... });

  resourceName: 'post'

export default Post;


For one-to-one relationships use the belongsTo attribute helper.

App.User = RL.Model.extend({
  name: RL.attr('string'),
  role: RL.attr('number')

App.Profile = RL.Model.extend({
  user: RL.belongsTo('user')

For one-to-many relationships, use the hasMany helper.
For example, if a Post model contains an array of Tag models:

App.Tag = RL.Model.extend({
  name: RL.attr('string'),
  count: RL.attr('number')

App.Post = RL.Model.extend({
  tags: RL.hasMany('tag')

Currently, all relational data should be embedded in the response. Also, see Side-loading records.

Finding records

Use the find() method to retrieve records.

To find all records of type 'post':

var posts = App.Post.find();
// => Array of 'post' records

To find a 'post' with an primary key of 1:

var post = App.Post.find(1);
// => 'post' record instance

To use a query to find records:

var posts = App.Post.find({ isPublished: true });
// => Array of 'post' records

To return a Promise when finding records, use fetch(). See the promises section.

Creating records

Create records like you would a normal Ember Object:

var post = App.Post.create({
  title: 'My First Post'

Saving records

Simply call: saveRecord()
The Adapter will automatically POST to save a new record, or PUT to update an existing record.

var post = App.Post.create({ title: 'My First Post' });


post.set('title', 'My Very First Post');

Deleting records

The Adapter will delete the record from the data store, then destroy the object when complete:


Reloading records

To refresh an existing record from the data store: reloadRecord()

var post = App.Post.find(1);
// ...

Side-loading records

You can manually populate records using raw data (side-loading).
Use the load and loadMany convenience methods:

var post = App.Post.create();

// The following could have been retrieved from a separate ajax request
var commentData = { comment: { id: 101, message: 'This is awesome!' } };
var comment = App.Comment.load(commentData);
post.set('comment', comment);

var postTagData = [
  { id: 1, name: 'technology', count: 50 },
  { id: 2, name: 'entertainment', count: 11 }
var tags = App.Tag.loadMany(postTagData);
post.set('tags', tags);

Model lifecycle and state

All models have the following state properties added:

  • isNew: Record has been created but not yet saved
  • isLoaded: Record(s) have been retrieved
  • isDirty: The record has local changes that have not yet been stored
  • isSaving: Record is in the process of saving
  • isError: Record has been attempted to be saved, updated, or deleted but returned an error. Error messages are store in the errors property.

You can subscribe to events that are fired during the lifecycle:

  • didLoad
  • didCreate
  • didUpdate
  • becameError

Event Examples:

var post = App.Post.create({ title: 'My First Post' });

post.on('didCreate', function() {
  console.log('post created!');
post.on('becameError', function(error) {
  console.log('error saving post!');
var allPosts = App.Post.find();

allPosts.on('didLoad', function() {
  console.log('posts retrieved!');
allPosts.on('becameError', function(error) {
  console.log('error getting posts!');


CRUD actions return promises (saveRecord(), deleteRecord(), reloadRecord()), allowing you to do the following:

var post = App.Post.create({
  title: 'My First Post'

post.saveRecord().then(function(record) {
  // Success!
}, function(errors) {
  // Error!

To take advantage of promises when finding records, use fetch() instead of find()
fetch() returns a promise, while find() will return entities that will update when resolved.

var posts = App.Post.fetch().then(function(records) {
  // Success!
}, function(error) {
  // Error!

Using the router:

App.PostIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function() {


Changing resource endpoints

Sometimes the name of your Ember model is different than the API endpoint.
For example if a CurrentUser model needs to point to /users and /user/1

App.CurrentUser = RL.Model.extend();
  resourceName: 'user'

Custom plurals configuration

You can use a custom adapter to set irregular plural resource names

App.RESTAdapter.configure('plurals', {
  person: 'people'

Changing the the primary key for a model

The primary key for all models defaults to 'id'. You can customize it per model class to match your API:

App.RESTAdapter.map('post', {
  primaryKey: 'slug'

Mapping different property keys

For example, if your JSON has a key lastNameOfPerson and the desired attribute name is lastName:

App.Person = RL.Model.extend({
  lastName: RL.attr('string')
App.RESTAdapter.map('person', {
  lastName: { key: 'lastNameOfPerson' }

Sending headers and/or data with every request (e.g. api keys)

To add a header to every ajax request:

App.RESTAdapter = RL.RESTAdapter.create({
  headers: { 'X-API-KEY' : 'abc1234' }

To add data to every request url:

App.RESTAdapter = RL.RESTAdapter.create({
  defaultData: { api_key: 'abc1234' }

Results in e.g. App.User.find() => http://api.example.com/users?api_key=abc1234

Forcing content type extensions

If you want the RESTAdapter to add extensions to requests: For example /users.json and /user/1.json

App.RESTAdapter = RL.RESTAdapter.create({
  useContentTypeExtension: true

Default attribute values

You can define default values to assign to newly created instances of a model:

App.User = RL.Model.extend({
  name: RL.attr('string'),
  role: RL.attr('number', { defaultValue: 3 })

Read-only attributes

You can make attributes 'read-only', which will exclude them from being serialized and transmitted when saving. For example, if you want to let the backend compute the date a record is created:

App.Person = RL.Model.extend({
  firstName: RL.attr('string'),
  lastName: RL.attr('string'),
  createdAt: RL.attr('date', { readOnly: true })

Read-only models

You can make an entire model to read-only. This removes all 'write' methods and provides a slight performance increase since each property won't have to be observed for 'isDirty'.

App.Post = RL.ReadOnlyModel.extend({

Custom transforms

You can add custom transforms to modify data coming from and being sent to the persistence layer.

App.RESTAdapter.registerTransform('timeAgo', RL.Transform.create({
  deserialize: function(serialized) {
    // return a custom date string, such as: '5 minutes ago'
App.Comment = RL.Model.extend({
  createdAt: RL.attr('timeAgo')

Custom Adapters & Serializers

RESTless is abstracted so you can write your own Adapters and Serializers.

App.XMLSerializer = RL.Serializer.create({
App.SOAPAdapter = RL.Adapter.create({
  serializer: App.XMLSerializer
App.Client = RL.Client.create({
  adapter: App.SOAPAdapter


If you wish to build ember-restless yourself, you will need node.js and Gulp.

  1. Install node: http://nodejs.org/
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Build: gulp build
  4. Output will be in dist/


  1. Install bower: npm install -g bower
  2. Install dependencies: bower install
  3. Test: gulp test or open tests/index.html in a browser

gulp default task will both build & test.


RESTless also has the following (unbundled) add-ons, which you can include separately or build yourself:

  • Fixture Adapter
  • LocalStorage Adapter