Looking to get right to work with the data? Checkout the cleaned dataset on Kaggle: California Traffic Collision Data from SWITRS
SWITRS-to-SQLite is a Python3 script that will convert the CSV files provided by the California Highway Patrol's Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) and convert them to an SQLite3 database.
Instructions to download the SWITRS data can be found here.
This repository follows Semver. I will increment the MAJOR version if a change is backwards incompatible for either the Python command line or the structure of the output database.
The best way to install SWITRS-to-SQLite is with pip
pip install switrs-to-sqlite
This will give you access to the script simply by calling:
switrs_to_sqlite --help
You can also clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/agude/SWITRS-to-SQLite.git
cd SWITRS-to-SQLite
./switrs_to_sqlite/switrs_to_sqlite --help
If you clone the repository, SWITRS-to-SQLite can be installed as a local
application using the setup.py
git clone https://github.com/agude/SWITRS-to-SQLite.git
cd SWITRS-to-SQLite
./setup.py install
Which, like using pip
, will give you access to the script by calling
SWITRS-to-SQLite requires only Python3.
Using SWITRS-to-SQLite is simple, just point it to the unzipped files from SWITRS and it will run the conversion:
switrs_to_sqlite \
CollisionRecords.txt \
PartyRecords.txt \
The script also supports reading gzip
ed records files:
switrs_to_sqlite \
CollisionRecords.txt.gz \
PartyRecords.txt.gz \
The conversion process will take about an hour to write the database, which by
default is saved to a file named switrs.sqlite3
. The output file can be
changed as follows:
switrs_to_sqlite \
CollisionRecords.txt \
PartyRecords.txt \
VictimRecords.txt \
-o new_db_file.sql
The program provides the following help menu when called with --help
usage: switrs_to_sqlite [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
collision_record party_record victim_record
Convert SWITRS text files to a SQLite database
positional arguments:
collision_record the CollisionRecords.txt file or the same file gzipped
party_record the PartyRecords.txt file or the same file gzipped
victim_record the VictimRecords.txt file or the same file gzipped
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
file to save the database to
SWITRS-to-SQLite uses pytest
to run unit tests (contained in the tests
folders). To run the tests, run this command from the base directory:
python3 -m pytest -v