
underscore-rust is utility library for rust. Inspired by underscore.js.


underscore-rust expands std library. You can use the same as standard library.

use underscore::vec::VecU;

let sample = vec!(1i, 2, 3);
assert_eq!(1i, *sample.first().unwrap());
use underscore::hashmap::HashMapU;

let mut sample = HashMap::new();
sample.insert(1i, 1u);
sample.insert(2i, 2u);
let inverted = sample.invert();
// => HashMap { 1u: 1i, 2u: 2i }
use underscore::btreemap::BTreeMapU;

let mut sample = BTreeMap::new();
sample.insert(1i, 1u);
sample.insert(2i, 2u);
let inverted = sample.invert();
// => BTreeMap { 1u: 1i, 2u: 2i }

underscore-rust now expands only Vec, HashMap, BTreeMap.


detail document is here.

std library

rust already has many functions of underscore.js at std library. If you are looking for them, take a look at official document.

underscore-rust appends below functions.

  • pairs
  • invert
  • pick
  • omit
  • defaults
  • first
  • without
  • intersection
  • uniq
  • indexOf
  • lastIndexOf