
Website of Gōng-fu I/O meetup, rewritten with Astro, Shoelace and Lit.

Primary LanguageAstroApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Gōng-fu DEV website

Website of Gōng-fu DEV meetup, rewritten as a progressive web app (PWA).

For our current productive website, visit the gongfudev.github.com repository.


👾 Design. Work-in-progress.

🧞 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:4321
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
npm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro -- --help Get help using the Astro CLI


Distributed under the Apache-2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.

Status of the fork by rudifa

Branch Purpose / usage
main kept in sync with the upstream
dev-rudifa work in progress, published on vercel

Features merged from fork by rudifa


The sessions page displays a sampling of session cards that reproduce the content of the corresponding session issues.

updating the website

This project has two node scripts used for the development of the website and updating from session data.

  1. fetch data and save locally:
% scripts/fetch-repo-issues.js -s
  1. convert the most recent 20 sessions data to astro .md files:
% scripts/convert-to-md.js -n 20

Each script has a few options helpful in the development and testing work.

% scripts/fetch-repo-issues.js -h

This script fetches issues from the specified github repo and saves them to a f
ile or prints them to stdout, in JSON format.

      --version    Show version number                                 [boolean]
  -c, --commented  Fetch only commented issues                         [boolean]
  -i, --invert     Invert the order of issues                          [boolean]
  -l, --log-rate   Log rate limit data from GitHub API                 [boolean]
  -r, --repo       Specify the repo               [string] [default: "sessions"]
  -o, --owner      Specify the repo owner        [string] [default: "gongfudev"]
  -s, --save       Save the fetched issues to src/data/issues.json     [boolean]
  -h, --help       Show help                                           [boolean]
src/pages/ url Effect Status
tracks/[track].astro http://localhost:4321/tracks display all tags found in sessions works
tracks/index.astro http://localhost:4321/tracks/ display links to sessions tagged with works
technos/[techno].astro http://localhost:4321/technos display all tags found in sessions works
technos/index.astro http://localhost:4321/technos/ display links to sessions tagged with works
audiences/[audience].astro http://localhost:4321/audiences display all tags found in sessions works
audiences/index.astro http://localhost:4321/audiences/ display links to sessions tagged with works

Generating test *.md files

scripts/convert-to-md.js -n 22 gives the same tags to each session, as defined in scripts/utils/prototype.md file.

scripts/convert-to-md.js -n 22 -randomize gives random tags to each session, with values defined in scripts/utils/convert-utils.js file.

scripts/convert-to-md.js -i 7 -n 5 converts 5 issues starting from the 7th issue (0 based).

% scripts/convert-to-md.js -h

This script converts GitHub issues to markdown files.

      --version    Show version number                                 [boolean]
  -i, --index      Convert starting with ith issue         [number] [default: 0]
  -n, --number     Convert n issues             [number] [required] [default: 0]
  -r, --randomize  Randomize tags in generated files                   [boolean]
  -v, --verbose    Run with verbose logging                            [boolean]
  -h, --help       Show help                                           [boolean]

Testing the current (tracks, technos, audiences) features

  1. Page Sessions now displays lists of all tags found in all sessions, grouped under the corresponding tag type name.

  2. Clicking on a tag name displays a list of all session titles tagged with this tag.

  3. Clicking on a session title displays the session content.

  4. You can open the pages for tracks, technos, and audiences by invoking the corresponding URLs (http://localhost:4321/tracks, http://localhost:4321/technos, http://localhost:4321/audiences).

Branch dev-rudifa: features under development

  • Propagate olange's changes on tracks to technos and audiences.