
Code repo for "Model-Generated Pretraining Signals Improves Zero-Shot Generalization of Text-to-Text Transformers" (ACL 2023)

Primary LanguagePython


Welcome to the repository for METRO-T0, where you'll find model checkpoints, our pretraining pipeline, and the prompt-finetuning pipeline.

Paper: Model-Generated Pretraining Signals Improves Zero-Shot Generalization of Text-to-Text Transformers (ACL 2023)

Authors: Linyuan Gong, Chenyan Xiong, Xiaodong Liu, Payal Bajaj, Yiqing Xie, Alvin Cheung, Jianfeng Gao, Xia Song

Video Presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdejDJwuUls

METRO-T0 is a T5-style text-to-text Transformer pretrained using model-generated pretraining signals, prompt-finetuned on a family of public NLP tasks proposed in T0. METRO-T0 is highly parameter efficient. For example, METRO-T0-Large++ (775M parameters) outperforms GPT-3 (175B parameters) and T0-3B (3B parameters) on a wide range of NLP tasks.

The architecture of METRO-T0 during pretraining using BERT as the auxiliary model to generate signals

Prompt learning results of METRO-T0 versus our T0 baseline and T03B by Sanh et al. (2022) on 4 tasks  in the T0 Eval benchmark. Each point denotes the accuracy using one prompt template, except that the median accuracy over all templates of T03B is indicated by the blue point. The plots of other tasks are in our paper.

Use METRO-T0 Models

We've uploaded all METRO-T0 models referenced in our paper to the Huggingface Model Hub for your convenience. To use our METRO-T0++-Large++ model in PyTorch (Python 3.7+, PyTorch 1.12+ and transformers 4.17+ are prerequisites), refer to the code snippet below:

from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer

model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("gonglinyuan/metro_t0pp_largepp", trust_remote_code=True)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gonglinyuan/metro_t0pp_largepp", trust_remote_code=True)

input_text = "Is this review positive or negative? Review: this is the best cast iron skillet you will ever buy"
inputs = tokenizer([input_text], max_length=512, truncation=True, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors="pt").input_ids
outputs = model.generate(inputs, max_new_tokens=256, do_sample=False)

print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True))  # expected: positive

Here is the list of available models:

Experiment Results

The evaluation results of METOR-T0 on the T0 Eval benchmark

Reproduce Our Experiment Results

We use t-zero for evaluating our models on the T0 Eval benchmark. The t-zero codebase has been shipped with this repository. Some changes are made so that METRO-T0 models are supported. Given the highly specific version requirements of the t-zero codebase dependencies, it's advisable to create a fresh conda environment (or virtualenv) for evaluation purposes. You can do this by following the steps below:

conda create -n t0 python=3.7
conda activate t0
python -m pip install \
    torch==1.12.0+cu113 torchvision==0.13.0+cu113 \
    torchaudio==0.12.0+cu113 \
    --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
python -m pip install -e ./t-zero

To evaluate METRO-T0-Base:

cd t-zero/evaluation
python run_all_multi.py \
    gonglinyuan/metro_t0_base \
    /path/to/result_save_dir/metro_t0pp_base \
    --n_gpus 8  # assume 8 GPUs

Expected output:

super_glue rte 61.6245487364621
super_glue cb 52.73809523809525
anli dev_r1 31.706666666666667
anli dev_r2 33.486666666666665
anli dev_r3 33.44444444444444
super_glue wsc.fixed 58.75
winogrande winogrande_xl 50.95501183898973
super_glue copa 66.25
story_cloze 2016 82.40513094601816
hellaswag None 25.647281418044216
super_glue wic 50.423197492163006
Overall Acc: 49.76645849523184

To evaluate METRO-T0++-Large++:

cd t-zero/evaluation
python run_all_multi.py \
    gonglinyuan/metro_t0pp_largepp \
    /path/to/result_save_dir/metro_t0pp_base \
    --n_gpus 8  # assume 8 GPUs

Expected output:

super_glue rte 83.68231046931406
super_glue cb 74.8809523809524
anli dev_r1 46.84
anli dev_r2 40.373333333333335
anli dev_r3 44.949999999999996
super_glue wsc.fixed 71.82692307692307
winogrande winogrande_xl 62.74664561957379
super_glue copa 92.625
story_cloze 2016 95.64938535542491
hellaswag None 83.74327823142801
super_glue wic 70.4858934169279
Overall Acc: 69.80033835307977


We use fairseq for pretraining and prompt-finetuning our models. Our extended version of the fairseq codebase has been shipped with this repository to support T5 pretraining and METRO-style pretraining.

Set up fairseq:

cd training
python -m pip install -e .


export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
fairseq-hydra-train -m --config-dir examples/t5/config/pretraining \
--config-name t5_base_8gpus \
common.user_dir=$(pwd)/efficent_large_lm_trainer \
task.data=/path/to/wikibook_data \


Data processing:

cd training/data_processing

# base (32k uncased vocabulary)
bash download_and_process_t0_train_eval.sh t0-train-eval-32k-uncased vocab_32k/dict.txt vocab_32k/sp.model --lower 64
bash download_and_process_t0_train.sh t0-train-32k-uncased vocab_32k/dict.txt vocab_32k/sp.model --lower 64
bash download_and_process_t0p_train.sh t0p-train-32k-uncased vocab_32k/dict.txt vocab_32k/sp.model --lower 64
bash download_and_process_t0pp_train.sh t0pp-train-32k-uncased vocab_32k/dict.txt vocab_32k/sp.model --lower 64

Open-Source Licenses

Please refer to the LICENSE file in each subdirectory.


If you find the code and models useful for your research, please cite the following paper:

      title={Model-Generated Pretraining Signals Improves Zero-Shot Generalization of Text-to-Text Transformers}, 
      author={Linyuan Gong and Chenyan Xiong and Xiaodong Liu and Payal Bajaj and Yiqing Xie and Alvin Cheung and Jianfeng Gao and Xia Song},