ETV2 functions as a pioneer factor to regulate and reprogram the endothelial lineage
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ETV2 functions as a pioneer factor to regulate and reprogram the endothelial lineage
Wuming Gong, Satyabrata Das, Javier E. Sierra-Pagan, Erik Skie, Nikita Dsouza, Thijs A. Larson, Mary G. Garry, Edgar Luzete-Monteiro, Kenneth S. Zaret, Daniel J. Garry
The UMAP plot for the scRNA-seq of 948 undifferentiated MEFs, 3,539 reprogrammed cells at 24 hrs, 2,936 cells at 48 hrs and 7,202 cells at 7 days and 827 FLK1+/KDR cells at 7 days post-induction of ETV2 in MEFs
The PCA of the variations of transcription factor (TF) associated chromatin accessibility of the ATAC-seq of MEF reprogramming (MEFs, 24 hrs, 48 hrs and 7 days post-induction) and EB differentiation (2.5 days and 3 hrs post induction)
The 31 TF expression levels and motif associated chromatin accessibility consistently showed directional change in both EBs and MEFs (13 up-regulated TFs and 18 down-regulated TFs)
The Venn diagram shows 131,001 and 18,024 Etv2 ChIP-seq peaks at 24 hrs post-induction during MEF reprogramming and 3 hrs post-induction in day 2.5 EBs, respectively
The genomic distribution of EB specific, MEF specific and common ETV2 peaks. The EB and MEF specific ETV2 peaks were more likely distributed at the distal intergenic regions
The heatmap shows the read density of MNase-seq, BRG1 ChIP-seq and H3K27ac ChIP-seq in MEFs, surrounding 131,001 ETV2 ChIP-seq peaks at 24 hrs post-induction during MEF reprogramming. The ETV2 peaks were divided into four quartiles based on the mean MNase-seq signals of the central 200-bp region
The heatmap shows the ratio of NFR / nucleosome read density, read density of BRG1 ChIP-seq and H3K27ac ChIP-seq in EBs (day 2.5), surrounding 18,024 ETV2 ChIP-seq at 3 hrs post-induction. The ETV2 peaks were divided into NFR (5,291 peaks) and nucleosome (8,843 peaks) groups according to the local V-plot and fragment size profiles of ATAC-seq day 2.5 EBs without ETV2 induction
The heatmap generated using NOMe-seq shows among 5,320 ETV2 binding sites that were nucleosome occupied at undifferentiated MEF, 4,744 (89.1%) became significantly nucleosome-free (NFR) while 576 (10.9%) stayed NOR at D1 of reprogramming
Sequence motif analysis by DREME and CentriMo identified a common GGAAAT motif that were significantly more enriched in NFR regions compared with the nucleosomes in both MEFs and EBs
A region upstream of Lmo2 that was highly enriched for nucleosomes in both cell types, as measured by MNase-seq and ATAC-seq was selected to perform in vitro nucleosomal binding assays
The average partial Etv2 motif scores in upstream/downstream 500 bp regions surrounding the binding summit of the "early', "late" and "sustained" Etv2 peaks in EB differentiation and MEF reprogramming
The percent of the "early', "late" and "sustained" Etv2 peaks in EBs and MEFs include partial Etv2 motifs in upstream/downstream 50bp regions surrounding the binding summits
The six clusters included three types of V-plots where the central Etv2 sites were nucleosome free (C1, C3 and C4), and three types of V-plots where the central Etv2 sites were nucleosome occupied (C2, C5, and C6), represented by aggregated V-plot
The six clusters included three types of V-plots where the central Etv2 sites were nucleosome free (C1, C3 and C4), and three types of V-plots where the central Etv2 sites were nucleosome occupied (C2, C5, and C6), represented by NucleoATAC
The six clusters included three types of V-plots where the central Etv2 sites were nucleosome free (C1, C3 and C4), and three types of V-plots where the central Etv2 sites were nucleosome occupied (C2, C5, and C6), represented by aggregated V-plot
The six clusters included three types of V-plots where the central Etv2 sites were nucleosome free (C1, C3 and C4), and three types of V-plots where the central Etv2 sites were nucleosome occupied (C2, C5, and C6), represented by NucleoATAC
The fragment size distribution of ATAC-seq of FLK1+ cells vs. the mixture population at 12 hours post-ETV2 induction during EB reprogramming and day 7 post-ETV2 induction during MEF reprogramming. In both conditions, the mono-nucleosomes and the di-nucleosomes were significantly increased in the FLK1+ cell populations
The aggregated V-plot whose centers are the ETV2 bound sites at FLK1+ cell populations at 12 hours post-ETV2 induction in EB, and at 7 days post-ETV2 induction
The UMAP plot shows the scRNA-seq of 8,838 cells from day 7 post-induction in control MEFs, 1,502 FLK1+ cells from day 7 post-ETV2 induction in MEFs, 8,248 cells from day 7 post-ETV2 induction in Brg1 KD MEFs, and 8,034 cells at day 7 in Brg1 KD MEFs
The heatmap shows the piled up ATAC-seq signal surrounding the summit of 12,170 sustained ETV2 ChIP-seq peaks that were present at day 1 and day 7 post-induction of ETV2 in control MEFs (the sustained Etv2 peaks)
The heatmap shows the transcription factors where motif associated chromatin accessibility were significantly changed at day 7 post-ETV2 induction in MEFs (unsorted MEFs or FLK1+ cells), or the Brg1 KD MEFs
The biological processes that are significantly associated with the up-regulated genes in cluster 7 (FLK1+ cells at day 7 of reprogramming) compared with cluster 1 (undifferentiated MEFs)
The violin plots show the scaled expression levels of endothelial markers such as Etv2, Emcn, Lmo2, Flk1/Kdr, Cdh5 and Sox18 in MEFs, day 1, day 2, day 7 post-ETV2 induction, as well as the FLK1+ cells from day 7
The biological processes that are significantly associated with the up-regulated in genes in cluster 1 (undifferentiated MEFs) compared with the rest of the cell populations
The UMAP shows expression profiles of Tlr3, Nfkb1 and Vav3, Cd38 and Abl1 (members of B cell receptor signaling pathway) in undifferentiated MEFs and post Etv2 induction day 1, day2, day 7 and Flk1+ cells at day 7
The number of transcription factors whose motifs associated chromatin accessibility were significantly increased or decreased in the FLK1+ cell populations at 12 hours post-Etv2 induction compared with D2.5 EBs
The number of transcription factors whose motifs associated chromatin accessibility were significantly increased or decreased in the FLK1+ cell population at day 7 post-ETV2 induction compared with undifferentiated MEFs
The transcription factors whose RNA-seq expression levels and motifs associated chromatin accessibility that were both up-regulated or down-regulated during EB reprogramming
The transcription factors whose RNA-seq expression levels and motifs associated chromatin accessibility that were both up-regulated or down-regulated during MEF reprogramming
The transcription factor motifs that are significantly enriched in 5k region surrounding the transcription start sites of the commonly up- and down-regulated genes in EBs and MEFs
The MNase-seq, BRG1, H3K27ac, H3, H3K9me3, H3K27me3, H3K9ac, H3K4me3, H4K7me1 and Hdac1 ChIP-seq signals surrounding the ETV2 bound sites at day1 post-ETV2 induction during MEF reprogramming, split into nucleosome and nucleosome free region (NFR) according to the MNase-seq signals
The heatmap shows the ATAC-seq signal surrounding the summit of 12,170 sustained ETV2 ChIP-seq peaks that were present at day 1 and day 7 post-induction of ETV2 in control MEFs
Venn diagram representing the overlap of common genes upregulated in ES/EB and MEF reprogramming post Etv2 induction, also overlapping with the genes from gene ontology terms for Histone Acetyltransferases'
Venn diagram representing the overlap of common genes upregulated in ES/EB and MEF reprogramming post Etv2 induction, also overlapping with the genes from gene ontology terms for Histone Deacetylases'
Venn diagram representing the overlap of common genes upregulated in ES/EB and MEF reprogramming post Etv2 induction, also overlapping with the genes from gene ontology terms for Inflammatory Response
Venn diagram representing the overlap of common genes upregulated in ES/EB and MEF reprogramming post Etv2 induction, also overlapping with the genes from gene ontology terms for NIK/NF-kappaB signaling
The H3K27ac ChIP-seq signals of undifferentiated MEFs and Brg1 KD MEFs surrounding the early, late and sustained ETV2 bound sites in ETV2 induced MEF reprogramming