Primary LanguagePython

ANCKA: A Versatile Framework for Attributed Network Clustering via K-Nearest Neighbor Augmentation

This repository contains the ANCKA clustering framework for general attributed networks, extended from the previously published AHCKA algorithm for attributed hypergraph:

  author       = {Yiran Li and Renchi Yang and Jieming Shi},
  title        = {Efficient and Effective Attributed Hypergraph Clustering via K-Nearest Neighbor Augmentation},
  journal      = {Proc. {ACM} Manag. Data},
  volume       = {1},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {116:1--116:23},
  year         = {2023}

The following attributed network datasets used in this work are also made available:

  • Attributed undirected/directed graphs: Cora, Undirected Citeseer, Wiki, Directed Citeseer, Tweibo*, Amazon2M*.

  • Attributed hypergraphs: Cora-CA, Cora-CC, Query, Citeseer, 20News, DBLP, Amazon*, MAG-PM*.

  • Attributed multiplex graphs: ACM, DBLP, IMDB.

*Available at Zenodo upload due to space limit of GitHub repository.


  1. Prepare Python environment with pip or conda:

    • Python version 3.9

    • Install required libraries: numpy, scipy, scikit-learn

  2. (Optional) Extract attributed multiplex datasets:

    unzip data/multi.zip -d data/
  3. (Optional) To run ANCKA-GPU, install cupy and faiss-gpu=1.7.3.

  4. (Optional) For testing large-scale datasets:

    • Install KNN search libraries: faiss-cpu and scann

    • Download datasets and KNN index files from Zenodo upload

    • Extract files:

      cd ANCKA
      unzip ~/Download_path/ANCKA_data.zip -d data/


To run ANCKA clustering algorithm please specify the name of dataset by command-line parameter --dataset, and for hypergraph datasets also specify the type of dataset by --data. Besides, also provide the type of attributed network by --network_type. Datasets supported by our implementation include the following:

Type of dataset --data --dataset --network_type
Co-authorship hypergraph in .pickle files coauthorship cora, dblp HG
Co-citation hypergraph in .pickle files cocitation cora, citeseer HG
Attributed hypergraph stored in .npz file npz query, 20news, amazon, magpm HG
Attributed undirected graph - cora,citeseer-UG,wiki,Amazon2M UG
Attributed directed graph - citeseer-DG,Tweibo DG
Attributed multiplex graph - ACM,IMDB,DBLP-MG MG

Other parameters are optional:

Parameter Default Description
--knn_k 10 $K$, the size of neighborhood in KNN graph
--alpha 0.2 $\alpha$, restart probability in random walk with restart (RWR)
--beta 0.5 $\beta$, the weight of KNN random walk
--tmax 200 $T_{a}$, the maximum number of orthogonal iterations
--interval 5 $\tau$, the interval of computing discrete cluster labels
--scale - Apply settings for large-scale data: approximate KNN with ScaNN or Faiss; simplified initialization ($T_i$=1)
--gpu - Use ANCKA-GPU implementation for clustering
--times 10 Rerun ANCKA-GPU algorithm to obtain average metrics
--caltime - Measure the time costs of different segments in ANCKA or ANCKA-GPU algorithm
--verbose - Produce verbose command-line output

To reproduce the experiment results of ANCKA and ANCKA-GPU in our paper, please refer to command.sh for corresponding datasets.

Sample output of running bash command.sh:

CPU based

dataset:dblp data:coauthorship network_type:HG
parameter setting: k=10 init_iter=25 beta=0.5
ACC=0.797 F1=0.774 NMI=0.632 ARI=0.632 Time=30.899s

dataset:cora data:none network_type:UG
parameter setting: k=50 init_iter=25 beta=0.5
ACC=0.723 F1=0.686 NMI=0.556 ARI=0.484 Time=1.110s

dataset:citeseer data:none network_type:DG
parameter setting: k=50 init_iter=25 beta=0.4
ACC=0.696 F1=0.651 NMI=0.444 ARI=0.460 Time=1.152s

dataset:acm data:none network_type:MG
parameter setting: k=50 init_iter=25 beta=0.7
ACC=0.928 F1=0.928 NMI=0.739 ARI=0.796 Time=1.602s

GPU based

dataset:dblp data:coauthorship network_type:HG
parameter setting: k=10 init_iter=25 beta=0.5
ACC=0.808 F1=0.787 NMI=0.643 ARI=0.646 Time=0.663s

dataset:cora data:none network_type:UG
parameter setting: k=50 init_iter=25 beta=0.4
ACC=0.683 F1=0.621 NMI=0.533 ARI=0.470 Time=0.377s

dataset:citeseer data:none network_type:DG
parameter setting: k=50 init_iter=25 beta=0.4
ACC=0.694 F1=0.652 NMI=0.441 ARI=0.454 Time=0.839s

dataset:acm data:none network_type:MG
parameter setting: k=50 init_iter=25 beta=0.7
ACC=0.924 F1=0.924 NMI=0.730 ARI=0.786 Time=0.332s