ProcBridge is a super-lightweight IPC (Inter-Process Communication) protocol over TCP socket or Unix domain socket. It enables you to send and recieve JSON between processes easily. ProcBridge is much like a simplified version of HTTP protocol, but only transfer JSON values.
Please note that this repo is the Swift implementation of ProcBridge protocol. You can find detailed introduction of ProcBridge protocol in the main repository: gongzhang/procbridge.
Add this repository as a Swift Package dependency.
- macOS 10.14 or later
- Xcode 11 or later
Server side:
import Foundation
import Procbridge
let port:UInt16 = 8000
let server = PBServer(port : port) { (method,args) in
switch method {
case "echo":
return args
case "sum":
let arr = args as! [Int]
return arr.reduce(0,+)
case "err":
print("Server error \(args)")
return 0
return "Unknown action"
Client side:
import Foundation
import Procbridge
let port:UInt16 = 8000
let client = PBClient(host: "", port: port)
print(try! client.request(method: "echo", payload: 123))
print(try! client.request(method: "echo", payload: ["a","b","c"]))
print(try! client.request(method: "sum", payload: [1,2,3,4]))