
Create a company search application using Spring Boot 3.1.3 or higher.

Expose an endpoint that uses the TruProxyAPI to do a company and officer lookup via name or registration number.


  • The result of the search is returned as JSON
  • A request parameter has to be added to decide whether only active companies should be returned
  • The officers of each company have to be included in the company details (new field officers)
  • Only include officers that are active (resigned_on is not present in that case)
  • Paging can be ignored
  • Please add unit tests and integrations tests, e.g. using WireMock to mock TruProxyAPI calls

Expected Request

  • The name and registration/company number are passed in via body
  • The API key is passed in via header x-api-key
  • If both fields are provided companyNumber is used
    "companyName" : "BBC LIMITED",
    "companyNumber" : "06500244"

Expected Response

  • Not all fields that are returned from TruProxyAPI are required. The final JSON should look like this :
    "total_results": 1,
    "items": [
            "company_number": "06500244",
            "company_type": "ltd",
            "title": "BBC LIMITED",
            "company_status": "active",
            "date_of_creation": "2008-02-11",
            "address": {
                "locality": "Retford",
                "postal_code": "DN22 0AD",
                "premises": "Boswell Cottage Main Street",
                "address_line_1": "North Leverton",
                "country": "England"
            "officers": [
                    "name": "BOXALL, Sarah Victoria",
                    "officer_role": "secretary",
                    "appointed_on": "2008-02-11",
                    "address": {
                        "premises": "5",
                        "locality": "London",
                        "address_line_1": "Cranford Close",
                        "country": "England",
                        "postal_code": "SW20 0DP"


  • Save the companies (by company_number) and its officers and addresses in a database and return the result from there if the endpoint is called with companyNumber.

Example API Requests

Search for Company:

Response Example
    "page_number": 1,
    "kind": "search#companies",
    "total_results": 20,
    "items": [
            "company_status": "active",
            "address_snippet": "Boswell Cottage Main Street, North Leverton, Retford, England, DN22 0AD",
            "date_of_creation": "2008-02-11",
            "matches": {
                "title": [
            "description": "06500244 - Incorporated on 11 February 2008",
            "links": {
                "self": "/company/06500244"
            "company_number": "06500244",
            "title": "BBC LIMITED",
            "company_type": "ltd",
            "address": {
                "premises": "Boswell Cottage Main Street",
                "postal_code": "DN22 0AD",
                "country": "England",
                "locality": "Retford",
                "address_line_1": "North Leverton"
            "kind": "searchresults#company",
            "description_identifier": [

Get Company Officers:

Response Example
    "etag": "6dd2261e61776d79c2c50685145fac364e75e24e",
    "links": {
        "self": "/company/10241297/officers"
    "kind": "officer-list",
    "items_per_page": 35,
    "items": [
            "address": {
                "premises": "The Leeming Building",
                "postal_code": "LS2 7JF",
                "country": "England",
                "locality": "Leeds",
                "address_line_1": "Vicar Lane"
            "name": "ANTLES, Kerri",
            "appointed_on": "2017-04-01",
            "resigned_on": "2018-02-12",
            "officer_role": "director",
            "links": {
                "officer": {
                    "appointments": "/officers/4R8_9bZ44w0_cRlrxoC-wRwaMiE/appointments"
            "date_of_birth": {
                "month": 6,
                "year": 1969
            "occupation": "Finance And Accounting",
            "country_of_residence": "United States",
            "nationality": "American"

API documentation

Use the API key provided in your request header when calling the endpoints.
Example: curl -s -H 'x-api-key: xxxxxxxxxxxxx' "https://exercise.trunarrative.cloud/TruProxyAPI/rest/Companies/v1/Officers?CompanyNumber=10241297"

API credentials will be provided seperately

Do not check the API Key into the repository!

